New community council has Story/Lore section

I quite literally said multiple times in GD I have zero problems posting community concerns in the council forums if I end up chosen. Because as a casual player, I know how it feels to feel unheard.

I’m less inclined to do it for the story forum after today, but if someone makes a concise post summarizing the issues, I’ll gladly post it there.

If someone doesn’t want to, when I’m out of this depressive funk, I can do my best to.

My word. You post an opinion that is controversial, then describe discussion as cyber bullying?

You are entitled to an opinion, and to express it - but you have to expect discussion and discourse.

Unless you mean being a council member is basically:

“Meat is for Alphas and only lameOs eat veggies - don’t @ me cyberbullies”


Is there somewhere I can talk to you about this? I don’t really look at GD much, so I don’t know what’s been said there. Do you have a thread taking suggestions? If you do I can probably post there.

That’s understandable and fair.

People generally don’t want people like that one guy on the CC. And for good reason, representation hasn’t come up yet. But it may eventually, especially in relation with story concerns. The last thing a lot of people want to see is takes like that if it comes up.

Then there is the fact that Prosident set a precedent of CC members being taken off if there is evidence that they probably should not be on the CC. It’s created this rush of people analyzing the member’s pasts. I get mental health issues but this publicity isn’t going to go away…the entire community is watching you. Not my place to judge what you choose to do but maybe you should consider opting out if you can’t handle the stress and publicity.

I knew about Maizou’s issues… I should have told ya’ll to be less hard on them… I feel awful, again.

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This combined with their posts that got linked to this thread is still sus to me. I don’t know any racists or sexists to send at people and ties back into them not standing in solidarity with other communities outside of the one their apart of.

Which just my take

But I wonder if both things don’t look true because it’s giving very much that.

And if it does, I’ll definitely rebut strongly. But whether I like it or not, opposing views are still necessary in development.

It’s literally what you guys keep asking for too. That people with different views get put on the council to address the whole community. If the council way just made up of like minded individuals, that wouldn’t help much.

And I have zero issues with people looking through my posts. I stand by everything I ever say. If someone brings up something I regret saying at some point, I have zero problem apologizing profusely. However, I have issues with people calling me racist, misogynistic, threatening to doxx me on Twitter, etc.

You literally said you had a problem with homophobes on the Discord, but now you’re saying that guy’s homophobic comments are okay because they’re “opposing views?”


Point of order.

By boiling down the complaints that depictions of some WoW races, which have real world inspirations, rely on some pretty racist stereotypes in a very negative way (illiterate savages as one example) as somehow attributing those negative characteristics to the actual races and dismissing the argument based on the strawman you built?

You are definitely telling people what an acceptable opinion is.


I don’t either. I quite literally told them it’d be friends who pretend to have those views to see their reaction. I very much never said it would be actual racists.

It was never a “I’m sending racists there to harass you” it was a “I’m having friends go to see how you would handle it if the topic was race or gender instead of sexuality.”

Just fyi the people currently accusing of such things have a history of making up blatant falsehoods.
I encourage you to look past this and focus on the essentials, try to take advantage of the CC ignore Baal. Nothing good will come out of the attention he so desperately seeks.


More sus comments again… it’s giving very offended at things that apply to them and shrugging off other communities or people who may be more offended at specific things said than them.


I don’t believe his homophobic views are valid. And I would rebut them if he brought them up. I can acknowledge someone has opposing views even if I don’t consider those views valid.

The issue with the discord is I was warned not to talk about anything involving being gay because it might offend someone.

A place that was spouted as a place for people to talk and hang out together. But they had zero issues making lgbt period feel unwelcome.

Edit: Jesus, tell me if there’s typos that make sentences make no sense. My autocorrect is making me so angry right now.

Interesting enough a wow discord I’m in takes LGBTQ+ members comfort very seriously and some guy went on a rant because I took issue with past things he had said and then he tried to make the whole discord look bad for wanting it’s LGBTQ+ members to feel safe.

Sounds like you had a opposite scenario / bad time, but that still doesn’t explain the original post of yours linked about other issues.

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Please Don’t. You’re fine. I’d rather this stuff get cleared up now than down the line.

I’m sorry if anything I say is misconstrued as not believing racism is a problem or such. I am very much against racism, sexism, etc of any kind. I even always do my best to never attack someone personally with my posts, even when they’re emotionally charged.

I think I’ve done a pretty good job at clearing up the comments, but there’s only so much I can say.

And yes I know I said my last post was a bit ago but I’m trying to reply to anyone who says something while I still have the thread open.

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All joking, all memes, all snark aside?

Thank heaven for that.

Because I don’t want some copy-pasted lore discussion or digression to be the story representation. I want people passionate about it, enough to fight and bicker and argue.

I appreciate the offer of help. But if that’s the best we can get (and it isn’t, whoshisface is doing pretty well imo, now that he got rolling), then I’d rather have no representation. Blizzard, in that scenario, made a choice not to hear out story discussions. No copypasta will change it.


It’s more right now I’m not in a position to type out a lengthy topic about the things people want talked about.

My posts in the CC forum so far have been rather simple and I was able to do them on my phone.

I don’t really think it’d be very fair to the people who want the story stuff to get attention if I half heartedly typed out a thread on my phone while I’m depressed, :sweat_smile:

But I also would never just copy/paste something. I would very much add my thoughts to it as well. Either as a commentary or as a summary. That much I can do from bed lol.

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Baal, you really gotta tweet about that homophobic guy as well.

Because your hermeneutic of analysis is racist for reasons I’ve already point out.

The in-game races are based upon Real World Ethnoracial Groups and Western Caricatures of those Ethnoracial Groups.

That is a material, undeniable reality.

EITHER of these things inherently makes them representation because you are using a real culture to great a memetic object in the game and all caricatures are inherent representations, WHICH IS WHY THEY EXIST AS CARICATURES.

Your banal arguments are about as coherent as the claim “Fynn/Shaw aren’t queer representation because they aren’t real”.

It’s absolutely ridiculous.

To deny they are representation is to deny the material basis of the game and gives Blizzard a pass to continue invoking real-world racist tropes onto their in-game analogs.


this thread be like