New community council has Story/Lore section

Absolutely, just want to give context, just in case.


Ah I see thank you.

Yes, screenshots with full context of the conversation is important. And if the content is questionable then it can be directed towards blizzard staff for appropriate action if necessary. You know before we start rushing to judgement and cannibalizing our own fellow community members who are interested in the shortcomings of the story that can be improved and communicate that to Blizzard… rather than rushing to judgement.

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context on a situation you weren’t even there for…riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I simply quoted Maizou. I have no idea if they’re right. Honestly, it’s probably a mess on both sides.

At least you admit that.

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It might be possible for both things to be true - as in maybe the discord was sus but so was the behavior from the new council member. But I am automatically suspicious of anyone who as a minority themselves doesn’t stand in solidarity with other communities.


Since you seem to be intimately aware can you provide the evidence? If there is an issue… which you seem to think so then please present it or directly send it to blizzard.

It got scrubbed clean except for the moderator’s own statement on what happened. This happened back in Oct. Nobody had reasons to take screen caps since it was literally just a ban and move on situation. Perhaps the mods of the discord can find deleted posts however? idk.


Blizz is so far 0-2 with putting people on this new council. One was outed as a racist and this Maizou looks to be a racist and bit of a sexist…. And both have gone public with their sus views

Like what the actual hell?


I’m kinda on the fence but slighted in your favor in this one, while I can’t speak on it I know of the discord and I know several people who are allies anytime problematic stuff comes up who are in there so I doubt they would be there if they found things problematic.

Which then all I have to go off of is the revelation that the above poster doesn’t stand in solidarity with other communities (which lines up with your claim that they have problematic people they can call up on ready) + their takes that started this whole thing.

Though funny enough I was only here to read the convo bcz I’ve only seen that posters anti BE takes but all this added news is more yikes to me obviously and I hope Blizzard takes a look at it!


Um… How should Blizzard get points? Or is it “scales tilting to one side”?

by listening and engaging with the CC as well as instituting good members I suppose.

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Well for starters, they should do better background checks on the people they’re planning on inviting to the Council. So far two of the members have been outed as racists.

If blizzard did even the most basic of social media checks, they would’ve spotted these red flags

to be fair to blizzard in this case: MS was a GD discord that probably flew entirely under Blizzard’s radar. Wasn’t an official popular discord and was entirely fan-made for GD members to meet outside of the forums.


My take: a GD discord just sounds like a bad idea. Maybe they did have homophobic policies, maybe they didn’t. At minimum, given what I’ve seen of the typical GD threads, it’s probably a case of “homophobia for the lulz” edgy crap being totes fine there. Toxic, but unsurprising.

Maize implies fantasy races based on real races are not a racist depiction when using racist stereotypes, and those who disagree are the real racists. That is one hell of a take. When combined with an alleged threat to “sick sexist and racist groups” on people, it’s a very bad look.

BUT!! A lot of that is alleged. So benefit of the doubt.


Should they publish all the information they dig up about past candidates so we can give them a point?

Blizzard’s moderation sucks. They still haven’t permabanned Shreds.


That’s fair. But still, there’s his twitter accounts, his posts on GD, etc. People like him always leave a trail of warning signs and red flags all over the place

They should permanently ban known racists and sexists posting on their forums. That’s all.


Some of the stuff on their forums though that their new community member posted was for them to see though, imo Blizzard should have more people of minorities on their staff bcz my first thought is oh someone of the same minority as me and they don’t stand in solidarity with other minorities hmmm, where as obviously someone didn’t ask that question or make that connection which makes me question if they have enough people who ask those questions or make those connections

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