New community council has Story/Lore section

I said that I have mixed feelings on the idea and can see the potential pitfalls of it. It’s strange that you, a poster I’ve never interacted with before now, have such a huge vendetta against me when you apparently don’t even read my posts.

Or maybe it isn’t so strange if in place of my posts you just see a Rorschach test for you to project onto.

We’re gonna jump out from under your bed tonight and yell “Boo! World of Warcraft!”

Damn it all, now everything is going to be Alliance and we’ll all have to kiss a picture of the Lordaeron L to subscribe :stuck_out_tongue:


Good!! You have a more technnically basis to give proper feedback than “let me erase X playable race fantasy cause I don´t like”.

That´s honest to God the reason the story went to Hell: a combination of absolutely ZERO quality control AND lack of people equipped with the technnical knowledge required to create a decent narrative.

God, no. Some people here even vouches about erasing the narrative background of other player´s races just because of a combination of saltiness and personal hubris (implying they lack a quite fundamental requirement: empathy and respect for the other players). Ergo, not everybody IS equipped to actually contribute in a REAL objective constructive way, they would just end up being another version of Danuser & Co. but focused towards other characters / races.

Good luck!!!

I know I won´t ever do so… I already have a demanding job, i rather not waste time on Blizz for free and just to see the gameplay aspects gain the upper hand over and over again.


Did you get the discord phone app? We miss you, girl <3

… is there a phone app?

Mega LUL. This is kinda embarrasing.

Give my regards to the guys on Discord. Honest to God the very first thing anyone that feels like applying for the council thing needs to consider is their ability to feel empathy and the wirsdom to analyze how the story impacts the rest of the players (I know I lack on knowledge -and by proxy, empathy- on Alliance story stuff, ergo why I wouldn´t apply even if I had the time).

It is a fact the gameplay aspect will 9.9 times out of 10 dictate the story plots, after all Blizzard sells a GAME not a novel franchise. So with this in mind, what the members of the council from SF have to take in mind is that their jobs won´t be about “how to influence the story so this race I hate is transformed to accomodate to my tastes” but “how to point to the devs and writers that this story plot will end up hurting the narrative of X race and how this can negatively impact the players attached to those”.

A heavy focus on tribalism bring us to the point we are right now. And it´s 2 decades of this, so I frankly don´t believe that forcing everybody to “make along or else under /FOTM pet character” is gonna work. What they need to do first is to DETOX the story from the tribalism BS, and that WILL take a lot of time. I agree with Baal, a focus on the inner aspects of the races to actually BUILD their own identities seems a good way to do so instead of trying to force the stupid faction dependence so it continues to corrupt the story with it´s toxic beats.


I thought about submitting a form, but than again, I don’t think I’m nearly smart enough for that sort of thing :wolf:

They asked everyone who submitted to link at least 4 sources of content you’ve created about the game. I think they are trying to lure in actual content creators like big name, with actual platforms. I think there’s only a limited amount of space, like 100 people max who will be invited.

The chances for any of us are slim.


Welp, thanks for the info. So it’s the same useless people most actual WoW players don’t watch.

Sounds like Blizz isn’t going to learn anything after all.

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Is not aboutr smarts, Micâh. Is about being knowleadgble on the technnical aspects of writting and how those aspects have too to compliment the gameplay stuff (cause again: this is not a novel franchise, it´s a game. With customers that pay the same and expect the same benefits and treatment regardless of their toons. And ideas that narratively wise may look pullitzer lite, won´t be even appliable thanks to the media the story is gonna be used into (one faction “conquering” the other may look sweet on paper, but in the actual gameplay application is trash… nobody wants to play the loser, period).

Or maybe they need some objective way to measure the actual skills of the applicants.

And the chance to consult the stuff they have made is one good way to see both their experience, their skills, etc. Take it as the practical part of the application form. they need to see how the people works the story around the gameplay aspects of WoW.

I highly doubt that. Big content creators would likely have to sign away any profit they could make in relation to said partnership. Happens all the time in the industry, especially if the rumors of Acti-blizz requiring non-paid leave on the holidays are true. Also they can forget about actual writing talent, that would cost money.

Yes, I see this as a form of beta testing.



Kk, I compromise to log into Discord in Saturday (I should be sleeping RN and I´m still finishing the invasion with my DH ffs).

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Just stay logged in and drop by whenever. Lots of day-to-day talk, and someone besides me needs to punish Fae when she gets bratty.

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I got told to submit only 3 things. But that could be things like videos, websites, forum posts etc. But yeah it does feel like they will only pick the big names who will just simp for them no matter what.

Given what happened with that pvp discord thing, they will only pick people who are the simpiest bunch of simps whoever simped. Cause picking anyone who will give any form of “negative” feedback will be seen as offensive. Even if the feedback isn’t even negative to begin with.


Yeah it was 3 IIRC. I submitted topics I’ve made here, that being the Theresa thread, the Does the Horde plan to attack the Alliance thread, and the Sylvanas is an Anarcho-Syndicalist thread. One about response and criticism to recent changes, one about faction matters, and one being an analysis of a character. If I were Blizzard and saw someone use forum posts as examples, I’d like to see a variety of quality posts.


We have, it’s just been months. It’s not that deep.

I slept with my nightlight on that night. Thanks.

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To be fair to them though the vocal fanbase doesn’t understand the difference between criticism and constructive criticism. It seems like Blizzard wants the latter and that’s okay in my books.

There’s too many people who just say “It’s bad writing!” And not offer constructive criticism on what would make it less bad.

Constructive criticism is formatted. You lead and end with two positives to sandwhich in the negative. They are expecting professionalism and I highly doubt that PVP twitter poster, judging by his tweets, was offering constructive criticism.

Also there’s using “I feel statements” vs attacking statments that start with “You do x.” Yeah it’s super formal but I do think it’s setting the experctation that this role being offered is professional and there is an expectation to behave professionally.

How often does this kind of opportunity to speak directly to the Dev’s come around? This is unlike anything offered before.


Question remains though, is blizzard going to take said advice to heart and actually listen to what’s being said. Truthfully, I hope they hire people like Accollon and Asmongold, people who can reasonably dissect the lore.

But that’s me :wolf:

Accollon and Asmongold would both be good choices, but given how certain Blizzard employees turned on Asmongold when he called them out for all their problems I’m not sure they’d accept him (though I think they should).

I think there should be some kind of vote, and Accollon and Asmongold should be two of the candidates.


Accollon is one of my fav WoW streamers on YouTube. And he’s willing to admit when his theories are wrong, though they are often pretty close to the mark. And he’s just funny to listen to/watch :wolf:


If they are specifically asking for it from this community council than I would assume yes.

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