New community council has Story/Lore section

I dislike Accolon, I find him sexist and crude. His interview with Madaline Roux was embarrasing. I would hate for him to represent this community.

Asmongold is again… all things wrong with the WoW community. These men already have huge platforms they already “speak on behalf of the community” on thier platforms, I would love to see more women’s and PoC voices represented on this community.

It doesn’t have to be me, just more female, WoC, PoC, etc voices. I know a lot of female fans on Tumblr who enjoy talking about the story and lore but just like esports this community is a hard niche to break into.


He seems like a chill guy I can admit that.

I feel very sorry about Asmongolds loss though.

It’s really depressing when people still call him stuff he is not. :frowning_face:

Anyway ehm Play ff14 It would make you happier. and dont lie to yourself about paying 15 bucks a month for the devs. That stuff is not ending up in their hands.


Absolutely not. Dude is anti union, anti diversity, and doesn’t care for narrative equity in any capacity, and enjoys “evil horde”.

Dude sucks.


He’s repeatedly mocked the lawsuit when it first came out and the notion that the survivors and workers abuse is worthy of support and mocked the idea of racial inequity existing and being a problem if it exists in the game studio.

Absolutely not.


He’s from South Africa and supports apartheid. He’s not a great person, he steals most of his theories. Not sure why some ppl in this forum simp so hard for him but I can guess why.


I watched the video he did on the lawsuit, when it first came out. I remember him saying the people responsible for what happened need to pay. So, please enlighten me

Watch his videos and clips in the weeks after dude. Once the employees starting asking for diversity measures to be implemented and wanting to unionize, he flipped the script. It was ugly. Globally unfollowed cuz he showed his real take.

Even in his original take he said “they need to focus on the workers not on diversity” which set the stage for what followed.


Not gonna comment on how terrible the idea of a Community council is as I a msure it has been talked to death Already.

I also dont want to talk “Employee rights” or other political stuff (mostly because it is too american for me.) Anyway. Blizzard is still terrible. Their developers are still terrible people. I have maybe One single guy in Blizzards wow team that I like and that is Josh Augustine. Guy is open and willing to admit mistakes instead of literally blaming the fact the COMMUNITY is TOXIC on a single individual.

Because the truth is.

The toxicity is on the Devs etc It is they who develop the game and they who safeguard it. If it is not on the devs it is on someone higher up etc. I know there are people on the dev team that are against the way things are right now.

But a part of me just wish they could have some things from Japan instead, Mainly that when you do something bad. You apologize for it. And In this case I am referring to the state of the Game the lore and the FRANCHISE of warcraft.

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While part of my brain is playing the star spangled banner in response to this the other part understands so I’ll focus on that.

This used to be an American trait as well and hopefully will be again. Blizzard would win themselves a lot of goodwill from players, something they badly need right now, if they acknowledge their mistakes in the game and apologize for them.


No streamer should be a part of the community council. They’re already visible and any suggestions they have can be easily heard from watching their streams. The people who should be on the council are normal players who have little chance of being able to interact with the developers otherwise. If streamers were to be put on the council, their suggestions would drown out other people via their fanbase. Their fanbase would also attack anyone who disagrees with them.

Let’s take Asmongold for example. When the Roux controversy happened, he spoke out against her and falsely claimed she was hired through nepotism. Then he took his fanbase’s word that Shadows Rising is the worst book ever written. We all know that it’s actually one of the best WoW novels, so if there were a council back then and he was on it, lore fans would be asking for more books like that while Asmongold fans would be saying the opposite and that it’s crap despite having never read it. I don’t want someone who already has an amplified voice giving wrong feedback based on ignorance because they want to cater to their fans.

BTW, don’t respond to this post with “He SmRt ThO”. Asmongold fans always use that as an excuse when it comes to his behavior.


I think Content Creators should be forbidden from the Council (they already have access to devs via personal or backdoor access).

Steamers should be forbidden unless they are Class Specific (e.g. Kalamazi would be fine imo, he literally is just a Warlock PVE Class Design guy), Content Specific (e.g. PVP people), and such.

I don’t think a Lore Streamer exists lol


Yeah, content creator might be a better term. Nobbel makes lore videos and is a content creator in that regard. As much as I like him, I think it’d be unfair for him to be on the council.


No one wants Content Creators. Like, listing four content things you created based on WoW is such a dumb criteria for a Lore Council. It’s almost like being a loyal paying customer for 16 yrs and buying all the lore books doesn’t count

And you’re right about Accollon, it’s a big oof on my part. I never knew the dude felt that way. Definitely gonna stop watching him now


Yeah it was super disappointing to see how he reacted cuz he went from my favorite lore speculator after Pyro’s slow descent into profound depression which was just kinda heartbreaking/depressing to see (and experience, but I won’t get into his patterns of behavior, he’s visibly recovered from depression due to WoW with FF14, which I’m happy to see) to just swerved for me lol

Yeah exactly.

For me I think it’s the intersection of livelihood and hyper visibility.

e.g. Asmon, Acco, T&E, Bellular are all hypervisible, it’s like having a “Community Council” for Washington DC and Joe Biden is selected to be a member lmao

Kalamazi is a content creator and streamer, but he is not hypervisible unless you’re specifically a warlock guy (and he was the main warlock feedback guy alongside Thd during beta and PTR)

None of us are content creators nor streamers (to my knowledge) but some of us are either Roleplaying Community Leaders, “hardcore” wiki editors (*raises hand *), or otherwise.


They should Content creators views into account as well I dont really care what they think If you disagree with what they have to say.

Part of why i Dislike this approach to have a “Community council” is that… Well in part that is what the forum is here for.

And alot of me AGREE HEAVILY with Preach’s take on the entire thing. (his takes at 1 hour in are 100% on point.

Hell all his points are even the ones about the hiring process.

What is important regarding story/lore based candidates is a balance of views so they don’t get lopsided feedback.

I think we can all admit to being a bit “partisan” when it comes to Warcraft’s story.


They do. Preach is watched by Ion. Bellular has access to Game Devs. T&E are friends with Gregory, Danuser, and Golden. Gregory is in Accolon’s discord.

Them being in a “Community Council” with limited spots is incoherent.


Guy literally said today that he is being blocked on twitter by ALOT of blizzard devs lol.

If he is that I bet Preach is blocked as well.

Bellular said it on his livestream today.

(he does homever preach that He loves Augustine)

They can get content creators views at any time. They now who they are for the most part. All they’d need to do is post “meeting at 10.00am” on twitter. They are kind of semi employees in some ways.


Preach has said nothing of the sort.

Devs are not their boss and he also says he is close friends with many Blizzard devs.

Again, they are high profile content creators with public contact info and a large following.

They are easily accessible.

A Community Council should not be Hyper Visible Content Creators.