New community council has Story/Lore section

Well, it seems to be gone now. Cause I looked through all those that I know of, and it seems to be gone. I saw that post on your twitter, so I know what one of his posts looked like. Reminds me of the “minority primitives” guy.

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Lol wish I kept track to see when they removed it

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Phrenology-poster? Wut?

Maybe it’s me, but I do not imagine a WoW poster offering critique and discussion regarding the cranial structure of WoW lore characters and races, and how it pertains to their personalities has any chance of ending well.


Yeah in the Gay Anduin thread some guys were being super racist randomly and encouraging 19th century type race science IRL where they insisted head size directly correlates to IQ and something something Europeans have big heads ergo something

Reported all the posts, they were restored and I got a few days suspension for it.

Made a tweet about it at the time, nothing happened.

But apparently now all the phrenology posts are mysteriously disappeared.

After I made another tweet about weird moderation in general and brought this up as an example and a few devs retweeted and liked the tweet.

But I have no idea when those posts in that thread were deleted.


Nope, Past Alynsa, you called that one correctly!!

Gawd, why do people just freaking suck sometimes? (this is rhetorical, please don’t answer)


Blizzard customer service is mostly located in Texas and that explains a lot when it comes to this forum moderation.


Blizzard is adding more members to the Council.

One of the new arrivals is a lore fan.

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My question and concern is whether they clicked the story/lore box on the application tbh


How many people were invited?

Mirasol claimed months ago, earlier in this thread, that there were 39 members. We just got two more members, which bumps it up to 41. I don’t know or remember if anyone else was invited between now and then.

I thought the council were represented by 100 player??

They are supposed to have 100 players every cycle, which lasts a year. Invites are going out very slowly.

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It’s actually really smart of them to do it this way. If you invite all 100 people at the same time, then every year you need 100 new people at the same time, doing 20-30 at a time, or however many it is, multiple times throughout the year, means you theoretically never have a “mass exodus” of council members.

I wonder why they changed the text colour from green to a yellowy gold for the WoW community council

Green was already used for forum MVPs.


I prefer the green though. The new colour is off putting.


Blue is devs
Red is psychologically rage inducing
Green is forum MVPs (whatever the hell those are tbh)
Orange is legendary color for wow which would be better imo
Yellow is psychologically joy inducing but they went with a mustard color that honestly looks… Not good!
Purple doesn’t look good against brown
Ibid indigo

I’d make it a brighter yellow

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I like the new color. If from the beginning, they advertised that the Council Members would have this new color, I may have applied.

It is a nice contrast with the forum background. The Green is sort of flat, the blue is distracting, and the new council color is kind of softer. I think it’s a great choice.

I guess we will see what happens when they change the forum background.

I think it is prudent to give them their own color, and the new color is nice.