New community council has Story/Lore section

There’s been pretty significant engagement here still.

Given saying the Formal Academic Name Of Tropes is now forbidden on the forums, it may be that Blizzard may not want anyone with formal relevant academic background and range to discuss the story on the Council lol


I don’t understand.
I thought you would be happy… pretty much everything the Sylvanas fans wanted they got it.
They ate the cake and got to keep it too. Something you have argued extensively for here… what should have Blizzard done further to not create this wasteland?

The Story Forums are not dead. We are simply resting, waiting for our next battle. Shadowlands has been a drought of lore and content in general. We’re still one patch in after a full year, with books getting delayed and everything becoming “wait for 9.2 to explain the things”.

The Story Forums are a sleeping dragon.


They don’t care about academics and experience, they care about blogs and streams.


If Tumblr hadn’t died I’d be a shoe in :sob:

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Could always start a (wordpress?) blog. I bet you’ve got enough posts on twitter you could expand on and become an official blogger type person.

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I think the current hot new thing is substack.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the Shatterspear’s history mirrors that of the Darkspear and they fled Stranglethorn after the fall of the Gurubashi Empire, right ? So that all happened around the time of the Third War, which means the Shatterspear landed in Darkshore only about twenty years ago. Unless I’m confusing stuff up ?

My main is a Shatterspear and I’m super happy that they gave them a bit of development in the book, and I hope we see more of them ingame (finally actual NPCs to interact with maybe ?), but you’re 100% right : they have to settle on one version of the lore. If writers stick to that peaceful culture thing, then they have to explain why the Shatterspear agreed to attack the Kaldorei in Cata. Food shortage, Kaldorei aggression, idk. But they can’t leave it at that.

Been thinking about it

Have an unused blog that I was gonna switch to post Tumblr but then I broke up with Academia in a professional capacity so it never came to be

what the diddly dimma damn is substack :sob: there’s too many websites :sob::sob::sob:

C’mon Baal. I’m an old lady, and even I know what Substack is (I think)!!

Basically a blog people can pay to subscribe to (or have to pay, I’m not entirely sure). All the cool kids are doing it.

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Oh nah would not lock my stuff behind a paywall, nor would I ask for money for Hot Takes, as I am a Rich™

I’m aggressively anti paywalls, especially for academic stuff


But just imagine the petty joy in knowing people are giving you money to tell you how wrong your opinion is and how much they dislike you!

Monetizing stalkers could be fun!


Could just donate all the money to the ABK Union fund or something true


Hard to say tbh. WoW timelines can be confusing.

Originally, the Fall of the Gurubashi Empire would refer to Hakkar’s first defeat, following the Gurubashi civil war more than 1000 years ago.
In the aftermath, the various jungle troll tribes went seperate ways and the Shatterspear settled in Darkshore ( for reasons unknown), while the Darkspear made their home on the Darkspear islands. That’s the lore as it was told in the old Troll Compendium until the vanilla questline around Yenniku suggested that the Darkspear had in fact left StV much more recently. Ironically, both versions can still be found on wowpedia. Take your pick, I guess :wink:

Aaah. Jeez they’re making this hard. Anyway ty

I still think it’s insulting only one person on the community council is only one that is really posting and trying to help blizzard improve their lore


They’re the only one let in on that basis who checked the box

By any chance, do you know if that phrenology-poster is still posting? Do you remember his name?

Dunno it was in the make Anduin gay thread