New community council has Story/Lore section

This is something Blizzard probably should’ve made clarifications about, really. From what I’ve seen, in examples from places such as the PvP community, most people thought it was 1 before anyone was put on the council, but there are people on the council who are saying it’s 2. I personally think there’s an unofficial responsibility for those from smaller communities to have it be 1, but there’s no official stance from Blizzard on what it should be.

I thought he was making posts about the subject elsewhere, so my point on that is null since it’s been corrected. Liking things is fine, I’m not going to criticize someone for that.

I’ve said this before elsewhere, but it’s something people on the council should’ve thought about before joining. Public positions come with a higher level of scrutiny.

I agree on this, and Blizzard’s policy of having invites be staggered is questionable. I wonder if it’s a tactic to keep interest in the council up, since if everyone were invited at once they’d possibly bloat the council with threads that get overshadowed or everyone would make topics all at once then not engage with the council any more.

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I really don’t think that we make up a majority of anything. We’re certainly NOT one voice.

Also, I’m not sure I’d want to be part of anything that would have me as a member.

I don’t think story is a topic they want to discuss now. If they plan more invitations probably it will be around or after announcement of next expansion.

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Undeleted most of the posts. Also, the Council forum is dead, and filled with elitists and shills.

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Seems like he only joined the council to advertise his blog.

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I think that’s an unfair judgement. Baalsamael gave good reasons why he may not be posting.

Also, that Kretias person never got removed. He insulted that one poster pretty badly.

Сейчас я в довольно смешном положении относительно критики книги, поскольку нахожусь в вынужденной самоцензуре. На американском форуме мне уже написали, что ждут от меня разбора книги со всеми её расистскими проблемами. Только если сделать там шаг в сторону, то меня расстреляют. А если даже обозревать сугубо те проблемы, которые вижу я, то это будет лишним подливанием масла в огонь. Поэтому пока что подожду с критикой. Как шторм уляжется, можно будет и разобрать полнее вопрос того, почему все эти штуки в книге являются проблемными, но почему по несколько иным причинам.

Has the scandal died down enough to not be torn to pieces for “wrong” (anything other than ideal) attitudes towards minorities and racial stereotypes?

I read the blog post, and I am disappointed. There is a part where he says that if you associate the Goblin well-poisoning with antisemtic stereotypes, you are the racist. There is a clarification post he made, where he seems to indirectly attack Baalsamael at one point.

“But it’s just k-k-k-ombo. Because this is not just an argument about a false racial stereotype for the setting. Because it’s mainly promoted by a person who seems to want to get a job as a writer at Blizzard by burning the racist stigma on current writers and listing himself as an alternative guru on racial correctness. For this is the most important thing for a writer.”

I think nobody will tear him apart.

Lmao well for starters I don’t want a job at Blizzard as I am literally in medical school and am old money

Unless he’s talking about Zari who is literally currently applying at Blizzard in which case that’s ugly as Hell


So he’s another Why are you calling out the racist stuff blizzard put in game?! type. I would say I’m shocked but you know considering…well everything about blizz and how the Council got publicity when one of the members turned out to be a racist


Lmao and I really defended him in good faith for weeks both here on Twitter and in discords just on principle

Don’t even know the guy



Clown world


Are you sure it won’t break?

He posted here a while back. I felt a bit of disappointment when the first and only lore based council appointment was a NEFPA - A Night Elf Forum Posting Alt. I tried not getting bogged down in that, figuring there might be other folks appointed down the line, to represent a broader spectrum of the opinions on lore. But it is a good month after the holidays…

Those NEFPAs can be antagonistic and vulgar to the core!

The whole “Alt Posting” that the Council thrives on is a bit of a bummer.

I’m telling ya, those NEFPAs can’t be given a smidge of good faith.

Except Shernish. He isn’t all that bad. He is at least honest about his jibing ways.


Kretias is a Worgen. It’s a different person
He insulted someone pretty badly over Discord. Evelysaa posted it earlier in the thread.


So. Do you not trust Europeans, Europeans playing Alliance or Europeans playing Night Elves?

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What do you mean by that? What won’t break?

They will tear apart. A small torture is underway now, the torture does not stop at a small one. Everything will be bad.

Oh yeah - one is Kretias the other is Kiraser. The names kinda melded, and the discussion was going back and forth about them.

I haven’t been reading the council forums, I just hear about drama when it spills out to GD or the Story Forum.

Trust is a strong word. I don’t trust some people in my own family, much less strangers.

It has nothing to do with Europe. There are many people who Alt Post to Troll the Forums who are not European.

It’s just so funny I’ve literally been sticking my neck out for this guy for weeks in like a half dozen spaces on simple moral ethical principle

And this guy in the first two weeks of December decided to passively demonize me with false assumptions about who I am or what I want

Which explains my weird Russian harassers late December, was wondering where I picked up some Russians of all things, usually I get French, German, Spanish, and US stalkers