New community council has Story/Lore section

yeah don’t expect Kiraser to post tbh

he’s just one guy, and seemingly the only person accepted for story/lore reasons

at least for now


He updates his blog pretty regularly. He’s not the only one who hasn’t posted past the introduction, though.

Yeah but he’s the only one accepted for specifically lore/story

nobody else checked that box as per the introduction posts



I necroed this cause people are discussing the Council quite a bit in GD, and I’ve seen a bunch of people complaining about how there’s no lore posts. More and more people are realizing it’s a PR stunt.

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It wouldn’t be a PR Stunt if the devs with a modicum of good will and humility outnumbered the devs who refuse to let go of the “Rockstar Mentality” that got them into a scandalous lawsuit and the “No Negativity In The Dojo” ideology that was taught to them by a now-infamous serial abuser in the company that had been coddled and protected due to the aforementioned Rockstar Mentality

and if more of the people they selected for the council had the range to discuss the multi-faceted complexity of game design (resources, engineering design, psychological construction, behavioral patterns dependent on world region, etc)


Shouldn’t have necroed this…


I didn’t see what was said in the deleted posts, but regardless I’d like an ETA from Kiraser on when he’ll be making a thread in the community council. I think it’s been a month or two now, that should be plenty of time to get something planned out and implemented.


It was four deleted posts, not three.

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Also, don’t tell me to get help. That hits too close to home.


He hasn’t been seen on the forums since December 17.

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I think expecting him to post something when it’s just him alone is unreasonable tbh.

The only story criticism he’s engaged with since he was selected is Ian Bates’ (red shirt guy) post where he tagged me and some others re: Blizzard not having “writing” or “creative imagination” as priority for the devs

He’s unhappy with the story given some of his posts in the wiki discord, but like

Look at the state of the lore and the countless voices from various angles pointing out the mess we’re in, taking into account “raw” in-game in-universe dynamics and also nuance given IRL realities and identities

This a monumental task that is fundamentally unjust for one guy to do, where no matter what he says, he will be critiqued given this is the one “discourse heavy” aspect of feedback.

Especially when never has any writer on the team posted on these forums, and they still haven’t even with the Community Council created.



There’s nothing wrong with getting help with whatever issues you have.

Your posting style comes across as impulsive at best, and cowardly at worst.

I’m saying this as someone who has years of regretful posts. Either think before you post, or stand by what you say.


Feel free to ignore me, dude.

Same goes for you.


However, there is something seriously wrong with you, a stranger, dismissively telling him to get help. His deleted posts do not affect you in any meaningful way. You could just as easily leave it alone.

Or, y’know, you could try and make a hot take about it and score internet point.


Some people love to see problems where none actually exists. Least doness is smart enough to delete stuff that might get him in trouble

If I done that, I could have avoided a few forum vacations


It’s not unreasonable at all, anyone who posts on the forums is doing so on their own. You often post things that only you bring up, and it’s not something you should stop doing just because you’re the only one doing it.

Where was this at, General Discussion? Twitter? Writing and creative imagination being the priority for the devs is a great topic to make in the community council. There’s potential there to talk openly with others about this in a place where those concerned can see it.

Everyone has their own opinions on what’s wrong with the story, but generally there is a consensus, which is not difficult to express in basic terms. He can atleast express what he thinks is wrong, which you say he’s done elsewhere.

No matter what anyone does, there will probably be some sort of criticism from someone. That is not reason to shy away because then we get nowhere. Pleasing someone is better than no one. He’s not pleasing anyone by not posting.

We can’t say for sure whether they would or not, but they definitely won’t if there’s no relevant topic to reply to. The community council is currently dominated by topics about gameplay which aren’t connected to story aspects at all.

If I were on the community council, even as someone by themselves, I’d have created atleast one thread on there by now. It’d have probably been about something in regards to the story in 9.2, such as how what we learn from the Cypher we decode is uninteresting narratively and how that discourages players from getting involved in the gameplay to decode it which is one of the main forms of engagement for that patch. The easiest thread to make would be something concerning Exploring Kalimdor, there’s multiple topics about that book which can be made. When Kiraser introduced himself in the community council his post got the most likes out of all the others, there are a lot of people who want to see threads there about the story. To see nothing get posted there is disappointing and frustrating.


Community Council is different.

The intent is players “chosen” by the devs to give feedback about specific demographics they claimed in applying, but that invokes theories of representation:

  1. Is the person beholden to the diversity of feedback from the whole Lore/Story Centered Community (Lord Nerds and RPers), or
  2. Is the person their own agent not beholden to anyone at all?

Twitter, and it’s just something he liked (got the notification cuz I was tagged in the tweet)

Certainly, but in more private channels.

Not everyone takes to widespread public scrutiny well.

Look at how I handle my regular death threats because of online hypervisibility vs Golden :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes but as I said, not everyone can handle that level of public scrutiny that the Community Council partly entails.

It would be easier if Blizzard just pushed another round of invites and made sure to invite at least 3-5 people for the same Lore/Story Category.

That’s you, and I agree I would’ve too, but I don’t blame him for not wanting to for whatever reason (albeit speculating as to why specifically, but just looking at the State Of Everything you know?).

I am confident (without basis, just intuition) if he wasn’t alone in there that he’d prolly have posted something already.


He may have been scared off by the whole “Black humans in Stormwind” thing.

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