New community council has Story/Lore section

I’m not trying to argue that at all. I just mentioned random more in the context of these people not being anyone who should be expected to know what the community as a whole wants. They’re not experts or pollsters who have tools to gather that kind of data. They’re just there to give their opinions. No slight meant to them or anything.

No worries. I’m sure there’s a lot of misconceptions regarding the council right now, which is at least in part what is fueling the vitriol we’ve seen this weekend. Hopefully once players start to understand the core aspects behind this endeavour we’ll see some actual productive back and forth.

Well, he still posts on the forums. He’s not permabanned like some people said he was. He posted an hour ago on the EU Forums, and I saw him like a post on NA GD saying that diversity didn’t matter.


A mess. A whole mess.


How does a ban work for EU/NA accounts? If you had an NA account banned could you still post on EU?

Also, I know you can like posts if you’re suspended (coughpersonalexperiencecough) can you still like posts if you’re permabanned?

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They ban each account separately, if I recall correctly. The Forum Code of Conduct says that posting on another account is circumventing a ban, so I guess they don’t want any second chances when it comes to the Forums. In this case, he didn’t get banned on either Forum.

A silence and a ban are different things. You can like posts if you’re temporarily silenced, but an actual ban prevents you from even logging onto the forums. I have personal experience with that as well.

Gotcha, thanks. I wasn’t sure how it worked.

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That hasn’t stopped Erevien


I am inevitable.

It’s kind of harsh, anyway. Some peolle really shouldn’t be on here, though.

So, there’s only 39 seats occupied in the council?

I was wondering why i didn’t see any post regarding the story so far, it’s just that they didn’t pick someone interested to discuss the lore yet.

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Is Kiraser a good fit for the Lore community?


Yes, I think he’s a great fit. He hasn’t posted anything yet, but that’s fine.

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Are there sarcastic intonations here?

No, I think it’s fine. He can take his time.

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I think Blizzard is wise to just stop their roll out of invites for the moment. They should wait until after the holidays. Then start it back up. Heck, maybe they have time to do a little vetting of candidates. Rightly or wrongly , the first year has a lot of expectations, and can set a tone.

Out of 40 people they had to kick one out already.

Maybe it is because I didn’t apply, but I am not clamoring for Blizzard to rush into this further. I think they should allow the few who are there now to be relatively quiet and well behaved, as they build up “the purpose”. Better than inviting people just to kick them out, staining the whole process further.


Wtb transparency of selection process.

At least confirm it wasn’t RNG and they just forgot to check Alt Posting History.

Assuming it was the case.



We all know better sadly. Makes one wonder how they didn’t foresee something like this being a potential problem is beyond me


I couldn’t care less about high-end stuff, the way it is now. I want this game to be casual-friendly and friendly to new players, as well as have a great story. There are a lot of high-end and semi-hardcore players there, which is fine, but more representation for other playstyles is needed. I am thankful for the pro-casual posts I’ve seen there, but nothing story-related has come so far.

Prosident happened to be a supporter of the old Mage Tower weapons coming back, which I personally agree with, but they kicked him off for behavior, which is more important.


I still haven’t seen anything about the story.