New Colossus Smash and Warbreaker animations on PTR are bad

ITs Snuzy, its a very know fact he is a huntard that his guild carry his butt and he think he is the god of wow. He created this delusion about how he is an amazing player with credibility, so it gives him confidence to say crap in different topics, even when its not about the content he was carried.

anyway, animation is trash, need to be changed


Bro is crashing out, and itā€™s great to see lmao.

Heā€™s having an ego death.

Agreed, who the hell is making these?

A warrior doesnā€™t summon ghostly weapons to smash his foes, lol.

Feels like a Frost DK thing than an actual Warrior ability.

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That was the first thing it came to mind as well, it look similar to Blood DK dancing rune weapon, but ghostly white to fit a frost theme

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Looks a bit too ā€œmagicalā€ for warrior abilities.


Thatā€¦ kind of makes sense. His agro was way out above the normal blood pressure levels tho. Probably doesnā€™t even realize that no one cares about his in-game accolades if he acts like a clown towards other people. Still, it was nice to farm him a little to bump up the thread, especially when he BSODā€™d and forgot what he even said in the first place.

I just placed him on perma ignore so I donā€™t have to see or read anything from him again.

Back to the topic, I wonder if this updated animation would look better if these ghostly weapons slammed into the afflicted targets instead of slamming around them.

The ghost weapons still make no sense for a warrior. Maybe for an Orc warrior with looking inwards for the strength of his ancestors but even that is a huuuge stretch and it be crossing over into the shaman territory.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: that cooked.

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The new animations really are bad, Iā€™m just glad i prefer Fury(Arms hasnā€™t been good since Legion).

Good lord, those are some garbage tier animations.

Great job, Bluzzard.


They need to stop micro changing classes. Just like the new lighting bolt for ele is just trash. They are tuning way to often and now messing with many animations which franky take away from the allure and nostalgia of the class.

Nah, theyā€™re pretty good, theyā€™re just way too much.

Or they can look at the already new and available slam animations they have in the game already lolā€¦ You got the plunderstorm leap smashā€¦ Or the one you get off some boots in a delve that smashes the ground and not as flashy as the plunderstorm one.

Instead of using any of that we got some weird magic weapon summoner one :skull:

Nah, a lot of animations are straight garbage being decades oldā€¦

Visual flair is one thing, blocking your view of combat is hot stupidity.

The only reason to ever have such an intrusive visual alert is for something so overwhelmingly important that itā€™s going to cause a wipe if you donā€™t react correctly and immediately. And even then, it needs to appear and be gone within a 1-second animation so you can get busy reacting ASAP.

Putting something like this on an active ability is unspeakably dumb. You donā€™t need big flashy indicators when you pressed the button and already know itā€™s happening.

Not a fan of the randomly summoning falling ghost weapons. Just doesnā€™t feel right. Also not a fan of making Warbreaker use the same animation as Whirlwind. I may be misremembering, but doesnā€™t the current animation have the Warrior stomp on the ground and cause spikes of earth to shoot up? Thatā€™s way better, imo.