New Classic WoW Interview (Classic Development & Demo Feedback Response) - German Translation

it sounded liked something Ion would do, laugh,lol.

I gotta hire some of the pserver developers to make me some money. The koolaid they sell must be like crack. You got kids drinking it up everwhere, thinking it’s a fine wine.

The evidence has been there from day one. Private servers have never had all the numbers. Never.

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And when they asked if they could see the actual numbers, they got laughed at again.

I played on a private server for years. But man, that saying - a few bad applies spoil the bunch. The bad apples over there are seriously rotten.

That’s one of the reasons why I’m rolling on PvE server. I’d rather deal with newbies with the right mindset and wipe 5 times then some toxic impatient private server kid.


And the numbers they have had have been proven to be incorrect and had to be changed how many times?

Like how they used wrong xp rates for little less than 10 years?

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I hope so. I hope so. But I’m preparing for the worst.

I’m going to wait 2 months to decide if, when, and where I play.

What you’re doing is using a couple of examples to say private servers as a whole are inaccurate.

I understand. I know the Onyxia deep breath was scripted differently. I read the interview on the german site. I know boss armor values were never known.

Those are all very nice examples, but everyone talking on the forums about this and that being inaccurate are not providing any example to back up their claim.

Before the AMA on Saturday and before this interview, they did the same thing.

I’m not on anyone’s side; retailers or private server players, I just find it amazing people will make a blanket claim about something without good evidence.

Aaaand when they messed up xp rates… aaaaand when they messed up ret paladins to do too much damage… aaaaand when they messed up dps warriors threat.

So by saying that you’re a fool for making claims without evidence, that means I’m drinking the koolaid? (it was flavor aid by the way)

I can call people fools without having to choose sides. I’ll do it again: Anyone making a claim against private servers without any actual specific evidence and references, is a fool.

Private servers are full of guesses. Refute that.

That’s a broad claim, and it’s not incorrect. But lets go up to Cipherr

I don’t disagree with Cipherr here, but I also don’t agree. I’m stuck here in a state of not being anymore informed than when he started talking.

Without any specific references to loot that is incorrect, along with evidence to support the claim, his statement comes off as nothing more than “guesses” that you accuse private servers of making.

I want you to prove that private servers are wrong. I want to know what the real truth is, but until you provide any evidence of it, why should I believe you? and how can anything you say about it hold any weight?

Dude. I don’t know how many different ways I can say that Blizzard are the only ones that hold all the values. They are the gate keepers for all the data. No one else has access to it. Not me. Not joe private server. Not anyone. There is no need to “prove” anything.

It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

Edit: Not just values, but the formulas behind those values.

Then I find it amazing that people will use a reference to the unknown as some broad spectrum standard to support their arguments.

Like I said earlier. It’s foolish.

Dude if you have been paying attention to private servers even remotely you would have known all the times they have been incorrect and all the times the DEVS themselves that they are guessing. I wouldn’t put it on anyone to go through all the forum posts, interviews, and videos about this stuff spread out over years just so it can be all put together for someone who clearly has no knowledge of the history of private servers.

That’s all very nice. All the times they were wrong does not mean they were wrong all the time.

The fact that we can’t prove to what degree they were wrong, means our arguments are worthless if we’re using “inaccuracies” as the backbone of our debate.

I just have no idea why people even try to make the argument since, as Xanthak said, we’re not privvy to that information.

For example:

Oh yeah? What if they’re not shocked? What if it feels the same? Can you prove that the game is going to be so different that they’re literally shocked out of their brains about it? If you’re going to claim that people are going to be so emotionally affected by differences that you can’t even prove or reference, then perhaps what you’re saying is, oh, I don’t know, guess work?

You’re arguing against guesswork by using guesswork. It’s illogical.

servers proven to be wrong on countless accounts

servers said themselves they have been guessing on countless values

still countless amounts of values that are unknown to anyone besides blizz

You- how do we know they’re wrong?


You’re dense. Truly dense. I’ve not claimed a single time that they were correct, but you’re hinging your argument on that. You’re trying to have a debate with me on a topic we don’t even disagree on.

You have no concept of specificity or varying degrees, so really there is nothing to debate with you about.

Did I say you said they were correct in my last post?

Who is the dense one in this conversation again?

Okay, you’re rambling at this point. It’s like arguing with a kid. At the very least I’ve maintained respect for Xanthak’s intelligence without struggle.

I’m just pointing out discrepancies in your argument. You’re the one turning to insults when you can’t handle it, my friend. If you can’t handle that I would be holding off calling others ‘kid’

Name calling isn’t going to get anyone anywhere.

You want proof? What about that AMA reddit thread where that Nostalrius person did a Q and A?

When Blizzard laughed at them when talking about raid accuracy?

Is that good enough for you?

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