New Classes!

A spellblade type class. In mail or plate.

A mechanical themed class. Tinker, engineer, whatever you want to call it. There’s a lot of potential here. Turrets, guns, mechs/armoured suits, kits(ala GW2), explosives, etc.

Void something. A caster, ideally.

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That and multi-classing.


Bard, void knight, necromancer,

I’m thinking of class hybrids (limited in general scope and specs):

  • Battle Mage - Platewearing Arcane Caster
  • Druid Master - Summon wild creatures to aid
  • Holy Cleric - Mailwearing priest
  • Bard Ranger - Two bows, one to shoot, and one to play a fiddle.
  • Brew Master - Alchemist, but with beer.
  • Tinker Hunter - Hunter, but with mechanical pets built (no tames)

something that dual wields shields

I dont want new classes

Give me shaman tanks god dang it!

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A turtle tank. The only thing in rotation is sticking out one’s tongue and yelling ‘neener neener’!

This is what I envision for shaman tank is using mostly earth element

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My top picks would be Witch Doctor, Necro/Lich, and some sort of Cavalier class. All the races have rich history with mounted combat, so it would be neat to see what they would do if they had the chance.

I would like to see a Gunsliger class, total ranged weapon usage, no pets, no melee. Bows Guns and Crossbows for long range, or dual wield steam pistols for melee range with some close range evasion martials arts mixed in (yeah yeah gun kata from equlibrium). We have an entire class of weapon that is used by one class.

A steam mech that can equip ranged weapons for dps or melee for tanking could be pretty cool as well ^^


Tinker. Then I’m cool with whatever else after that.



You didn’t forget that priests are considered necromancers too, right…?

Using the light to bring back the dead is a form of necromancy.

Tech. Themed. Class.

Classically/typically called a Tinker, but honestly they could create/call a tech themed class anything and I’d love it/it’d fill a very obviously missing niche in the class roster.

Would LOVE some mixture of mech, turrets, bots, alchemy…

Ever since Plunderstorm I’m dying to play a class with quaking leap… a Tech Tank spec would feel extremely fitting!