Just wanted to start a conversation about new classes you’d like to see.
For me personally, would love an “Eclipse Knight” or some kind of cosmic/celestial style melee class.
Just wanted to start a conversation about new classes you’d like to see.
For me personally, would love an “Eclipse Knight” or some kind of cosmic/celestial style melee class.
hm… i’d like a leather armor class that uses throwable poison / explosive bottles.
I’ve long wanted to have a Steam Warrior. I want to pilot a mech as more than a mount or one-off set piece vehicle. I imagine such a thing would most obviously fill the Tank and Dps roles; perhaps one spec each like Demon Hunter and (formerly) Evoker. You could have race specific mech designs with perhaps some limited customization and/or variants based on spec.
I suppose you could also fold the idea into a theoretical Tinker as a specialization. I just personally think it has slightly more potential as a full class. Admittedly I can’t see it being much different from a regular warrior beyond aesthetics, but I suppose that’s not really much of a concern with threads like this, and it’s not like that’s stopped the devs besides.
Death Knights are not Necromancers.
Think Warlocks, but with undead. That’s what I want.
Nope Noway No
we have enough imba in M+ already without new classes.
This reminds me of a “D.va” concept - definitely not out of the realm of possibility.
I want to be a hozen dooker and have 75 charges of the jump stun ability that bran’s monkey pet has
I just want a cloth-wearing melee spellblade. One handed sword, empty offhand.
I could totally see them adding this whenever the do an Ethereal centered expac, I think it would be super cool.
Coincidentally the Ethereals are the #1 race I want added. Maybe I’ll get both at once lol
Balance druid/MW monk with celestial hero talents. CONGRATs
Because they’re not casters. They’re not what people want when they say Necromancer.
It’s fine Unholy DK exists, but I want a proper Nexromancer class. I know it will likely never happen but that’s not the point of this thread.
they feel like D4 necromancers so much, especially with their skeletal mages lmao
New classes will make retail pvp even more than a joke
Leave classes for devs
None. We have too many.
They can’t even fix current class bugs. They have business adding classes.
a mercenary class that uses whips and has a backpack full of consumables they lob at the group/ their targets
a rune-based healer that casts runes on their target, visible overhead, that does certain things depending on the rune. Half a rune could be a regen, combine it with the second rune, maybe it buffs and does a heal as well as the regen, complete the rune and its a big heal. Idk, something like that.
black dragon evoker tank spec
shaman earth magic tank spec
spellbreaker. equips two types of weapons but doesn’t dual wield. character would switch weapons depending on the situation and be more of a support class. his “boons” are area/zone based and plant the non-dominant weapon in the ground by him when not in use (has effects).
i have larger explenations and examples for spellbreaker and rune healer buuuuut I’m lazy so make up your own and run with it. (blizz can ask ofc)
This thread wasn’t made to discuss what other classes do or do not have.
This thread was asking what classes we want.
I’m not sure why you’re arguing when there’s nothing to argue about.
I gave my opinion on what I want, a caster Necromancer class. That wears cloth, uses staves, throws magic while having a main pet that’s undead.
Unholy DK does not fix the itch I have for Necromancer.
I’m simply stating something I want, while fully recognizing it’s not going to happen.
Mail samurai class with a longsword.
Joking, uh, maybe a Bard. An instrument playing support class. It’ll compete with the dragons.
You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m just bored at work. I’ll leave it alone.