New Class Sets Coming to the Trading Post!

Teeheehee! :rofl:

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So these will come back to the Trading post eventually right? The Facebook add says for one month only? No way you can get all them on the first go.


Thanks for clarifying. Still ugh.

Hmm can I de-attach my second account, earn the transmog on that, then re-attach it to my account?

Hopefully they just don’t offer any mounts. Still missed a pet from July I think.

Weapons and sets don’t match? Missed opportunity.
Also some are hits and majority straight up terrible. These designers gotta make more cohesive sets and less congested designs. Like look at the dk and hunter one lazy af design bunch of copy and paste of the exact same models. Smh

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I would say more a sub set than a full set.

Even that is pretty generous, in my opinion.

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I’ve complained about it early, but now i think it’s a good thing. Makes more easy to choose, cause we don’t have enough coins to buy everything we want anyway. :joy:


Half set maybe?

A full set is what 6 or 7 pieces? I forget.

I wish you guys would take it up a few notches with xmog cause I’m not impressed at all.

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That might work. :sweat_smile:

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How’s that supposed to be monk armor? Looks more Samurai then monk guess atleast the weapons are decent though and actually fit the Class.

Did you read the article? The sets are split up over the last few months till end of year. I have to save up for DK/DH for November for example.

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Well at least it seems that you can buy the weapons separate from the armor. I really like the weapons but not sold on the armor. Maybe if they matched colors at least.


Hate that the paladin weapons don’t match regular judgement but do the recolor

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I am not a fan of most of the pieces of armor (certainly not of the hunter one) But a lot of the weapons look great. (Again aside from the hunter ones lol)

Will be nice to buy the weapons separate from the armor.

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OMG! Really?

I’m tranquill now. I play all classes and i don’t have enough coin now to buy everything i want.

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It’s funny seeing the people who like the Monk weapons, since monk weapons disappear during combat and our animations were changed to make them invisible.

Can we get Blackout Kick replaced with Blackout Strike again? And other weapon appearances added to our animations? Been on the monk wish list for a while.


The page lists the month then all the sets included in that month. Reread it.

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Monk weapons are used in Sheilun’s so thats something but yeah wish they’d bring back some old animations like Blackout Strike using the staff and Revival summoning Yu’lon above you when casted.

Brewmasters never see our weapons at all, from the moment we enter combat.

It wasn’t always so, but Blizzard changed it for bizarre reasons.