New Class Sets Coming to the Trading Post!

Where is the rest of the August supply :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


I was looking the post again and only now i noticed that many weapons does’not match the color of the set… For example, the Paladin set is red/gold but the weapons are purple/silver… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Smh, I might as well dig around in my trashcan for my next set.


I am willing to trade all of these sets, and their accumulative price for the “Hide Pants” transmog option.


Think of it as a place to hang your spare keys.

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First I just want to say a lot of these are awesome. Agree with the others that I wish the sets were full sets.

But I wanted to offer some feedback here. I’m someone who plays every class. I have some tenders saved up, but it’s not going to be enough to get 3 armor sets and 3 weapon sets (2,850 tenders if the 450 armor and 500 weapons are final numbers).

This is just going to create a feelsbad moment for altoholics imo. Would’ve preferred to see these saved for some mage tower challenge or class specific quests or something.


Kind of mid ngl. Some of the weapons are nice, but the “sets” are really uninteresting to me. Why’s the druid one alliance colors? Who’s idea was that, anyway?

Lmfao you’re really reaching to say I’m White Knighting Blizz, rather than just crapping on your lack of creativity.

You’re lying now. I main Human Mage and use Blue/Gold mogs. I have dozens of items that match those 3 mage items. They exist.

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450 per armor piece or set? 500 per weapon?

Saying I need nearly 2000 for 1 complete set and knowing there are probably mounts and what not I’d want to buy… yup this is a kick to the…

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How are 3 pieces of armor considered sets? Once again, the monk “set” is garbage. At least the weapons are halfway decent. Won’t waste my tenders on most of the armor but some of the class weapons are cool.

This would be really cool if it wasn’t seemingly just 3 pieces. And why isn’t this a reward for Mage Tower type content? This is either an oops on showing unfinished sets or an attempt to get some subscriptions out on unfinished sets.

Its per set.
So you get the helm, shoulders, and belt together as one purchase.
And then all the class weapons together as one purchase.

So 950 if you want all your class stuff.
And then 12 more times if you want every class.

The only set that even remotely matches this would be the battlefront human sets that are only available to alliance characters and that use human motifs not Quel’dorei. And both the blue and gold colors on those are different hues from this set.

Yeah, and?

That’s the only set where I think I know the matching set they had in mind. I think it’s supposed to work as replacement parts for this set, which is the PVP recolor of the druid Nighthold set.

Vindictive Gladiator’s Dragonhide Armor (Alliance Recolor) - Transmog Set - World of Warcraft (

The owl-themed set gets some cat bits to swap in. Looking at both things in the dressing room, it’s a pretty close match color-wise.

Problem: The blue and gold doesn’t match any of the non-PVP versions of the set, which are probably the versions of the set players are more likely to have.

aww mage and warlock look neat as HELL

if there’s no full list, people can spend less time complaining! :upside_down_face:


I don’t really consider helmets, shoulders, and a codpiece as “Class Sets”.


Right? Cries in Dracthyr

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