New Class Sets Coming to the Trading Post!

Looks like the gun has been taken away from the hunters weapon picture


Yuh remember the Blackout Strike animation from when I tried Brewmaster whilst leveling out of curiosity was super awesome.

As for why it was removed at this point persuaded Blizzard just resent monks or something especially with these Mana Tea changes they’re planning for 1.7


Hunter set is absolutely terrible. Weapons are completely uninspired. And LOL at no new quiver. Thanks again blizz


It’s been changed guess someone put the wrong gun in there.

I get ya’ll are trying to do Alliance v. Horde-themed stuff this month, but did ya’ll really have to give orange and pink cloaks months to themselves and then cram blue and red into a single month with gloves and also three different mounts and a pet and a toy?


Just like every hunter set since 2004.


These look great but doesn’t change the fact that the extremely limited currency makes this so obnoxious to budget for and enjoy as much.

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My lord the priest and lock armor sets are absolute bangers.

I find it weird none of the weapon sets coincide with the armor sets.

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Hello everyone.

An incorrect image was shared for the Hunter weapons set. We’ve adjusted the Hunter weapon image to show the correct set.


Or even just use some GOOD animals for the sets, something actually epic, why a bird?? I think it’s just cause Druids sorta already fill the “nature” niche and therefore we can’t really have anything too wildish or risk stepping on toes (or paws or claws or flippers).


Hunters really need to embrace the dead dragons theme. Wear some heads and hides.


Sadly it isn’t any better. Hunter need to borrow the warlock / priest armor designers for a year or so.


Bring me some with antlers and we got a deal


The priest set looks like it came out of bfa and i dont know whats going on with the warlock one.

What you want is the monks guy.
Thats the only set that is genuinely good.


Hunter’s can get Warlock and Monk can get priest maybe can finally get some good sets :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Ooh ooh can warlocks get the monk one then?
That set is cool

The reason the priest one looks so badass is because it came from BFA. It is tapping into those crazy KUL Tiran shadow water cultists associated with the old gods. Perfect crazy person outfit to balance out all the holy / light stuff.

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It’s trash and doesn’t fit monk at all like we’re not Samurai we’re the farmers who rebelled against them.

(Or in WoW Pandaren rebelling against the Mogu)

Like get the monk guy and your Warlock will have a Warrior set.

I like the Warrior Armor. Already planning sets for it.

The Warrior Weapons feel eah.

Most of the other weapons are inspired by artifacts. The Savage Champion’s Disemboweler does look similar to Stomkar but the other 2 feel like Frostwolf Orc weapons. And we don’t see a Warswords of the Valarjar type sword.

The look great but I actually would have prefered something a bit more generic or inspired buy the Artifacts.

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The warrior set is an awesome play off of scarlet crusade. A shame the weapons arent some redone scarlet crusade style weapons.