New Class Sets Coming to the Trading Post!

I love most of the sets, especially mage, priest and lock. For the mage set, since it’s thalassian themed, would be nice to have red and purple recolors for blood and void elves.


Why would you think anyone wants to buy class sets that only have shoulders, helm, and a belt?

There’s some like DH that don’t have matching colored pieces in the other slots at all (because you guys hate pink).

The weapons are just new skins for artifacts and should honestly just be tied to a new achievement, not the trading post.


Why do you have to wait so long? . I want it already for god, blizz.

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Okay wait just a minute? Blizzard didn’t even bother to check that they were using the right image for the Hunter’s weapon designs? They’re not even trying to hide the fact that Hunters just do not matter.


half set … why?
… wtf

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Shaman weapons are the only ones i want and i dont even have a Shaman. I would definitely be using them for my Tauren warrior or Sunwalker, why do monthly releases of specific class sets? Go for the gusto baby :wink:

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I get that but… not all of use are shadow priests. Oh well, there will be little pets lol.


This is the plan. This is always the plan. Hunter sets are pariahs that draw the hate of the player base away from whatever shortcomings the other sets might have.


Are we being punked? Those class sets are clearly not finished.


They checked. Thirty minutes after posting.


but wheres the valhallan greatsword blizzz

The Trading Post Monk armor doesn’t look like Samurai armor to me (especially the helmet). A basic Google Image search of Chinese armor brings up results similar to the Trading Post Monk armor (including the heads on the shoulders, though no where near as big as the heads on the Trading Post armor of course). The armor seems to resemble either Tang, Ming, or Song Dynasty armor, or at the very least modern recreations of armor from those Dynasties, anyway.

That said, I’m not sure how accurate the Monk armor is to actual historical Chinese armor, though it’s hard to tell since it’s only the shoulders, helmet, and belt.

Unfortunately, since Monks don’t wear plate or mail armor, I’m not sure how the Monk helmet, shoulders, and belt will be able to fit current transmog appearances available to Monks.

This outfit submitted on Wowhead seems to feature one somewhat decent match for the Monk Trading Post set at least, despite the other slots coming from a Samurai-inspired set.


If Pandaren heritage armor winds up matching the aesthetics of the Monk Trading Post, that would help address that problem, but it wouldn’t help non-Pandaren Monks, though.

They’ve definitely used Samurai armor for the basis of some of the Pandaren armor sets in the past though, like the Silentleaf set in particular. Especially that one.

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If it makes you feel any better, most of the sets are confusing.

Druids got paladin armor.
Shamans got an aztec priest appearance.
Hunters got… items.

At least theres some nice weapons coming out at the same time :slight_smile:


I guess Paladins can get their Barbie fix :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No the right shade of pink lol. But it’s nice to see Demon Hunters will get a bit of pink.



The scarlet crusade theme paladin gear is alright…the tidepriest ones seem fine…rogue is…idk…okay I suppose. Not too thrilled with the shaman set, why the heck is the druid one seeming alliance themed given the color scheme and what is clearly a feline possibly lion. I’m most annoyed of the druid set honestly the others are fine but…idk if I’ll grab the DH, shaman, hunter, or evoker armors as…yeah no they look horrible to me. May snag some of those weapons though like the clearly gilnean themed warrior stuff.

Probably an unpopular opinion but they all look like a hard pass. It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore.


The warrior one looks okay in my opinion, but I’m not sure I can really justify the cost.

That DH armor… is this a joke?
Is this the new art direction? Less gritty, more candy land?

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why is hunter so bad? why am I asking this with every armor set? so far with DF, quest mail has been good-other than that wtf…blizz please give us another armor designer!