New Class Sets Coming to the Trading Post!

Maybe I’m part of a minority, but I love the Aberrus hunter tier sets.

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I really hope that Mage armor comes in per-spec variants…

Why is there even a monthly cap to accruing Trading Post Tender? Why not just let us complete as many tasks as we want so we don’t have to pick and choose which things we get and then miss out on others?

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Feel like yall need to do some new design notes when working on hunter stuff

Design for - rogue, druid, warrior, dk, lock ANYTHIng - then add some arrows.

Cuz whatever design praxis you’re working from gets the wrong reaction from too many people too consistently.

It shouldnt be the standard that people expect disappointment when an art team that consistently does magnificent work is working on hunter designs


Please say that shaman axe (Hatchet of Krag’wa’s Executor) sheaths on the back. That would make it so mint.

Oh look, a Belf Paladin who got a fun extra set FOR NO REASON is crying about not enough quality in the game.

Solid weapons. Probably should have just been weapons, given literally no one considers the dracthyr transmog slots to be a “set”.


oooh that all looks cool- wait. class sets? on the trading post? so… i won’t be able to get’em all?


i spend my tender on transmog-bits i like, and i get punished for it. this is such bullcrap…

So you’re panked, blizz has done it again

I was really excited for these earlier when they were first announced but after actually seeing them and finding out they aren’t even complete class sets they are all pretty blah and that’s putting it nicely, legit the only thing I really like is the Monk fans and being completely real about it that’s just disappointing.


Here I was hoping all the images were a mistake.


Not only that, but they reused that same model for a helm like three times just in SL alone… so this is like the 5th time using it in so many months.


I mean, I don’t need bracers, I don’t need a cloak, you could even argue not needing a belt, but, we need matching armor pieces if you’re gonna say this is a set. there a plenty of sets already in the game that aren’t complete and you give us 3/7 pieces of a set. We’re not all Dracthyr and even then, not all of are always in dragon form. At least give us an indication that these sets will be completed at some point instead of giving us this with out any further communication on that front. For people saying, “it’s not tier,” or, " a set can technically just be 2 pieces," ya, that’s fine, not expecting a bonus power or anything, just a full armor set, sorta like what they’ve been doing in D4 every week. If you wanna complain about the cost, that issue can be resolved with more opportunities to get tokens or reducing the cost. Blizz sets the coast arbitrarily at this point. Currency doesn’t have real monetary value so, ya, they could easily give us a full set at the same 450 price.


Cool start of an idea. Where’s the rest of the armor sets? Twitch drop or cash shop? Sigh. Love the weapon ideas though.

Ehh… one of those collect and forget sets.

3 pieces are now considered a Set…dang that is lazy on the game now…use to be 7 or 8 pieces were Sets …


Any chance the 3-piece sets are also a mistake and they’re supposed to be actual full sets? It’s going to be extremely difficult to match them with gear of similar quality.


These will look great when they’re finished.


I’m all for new sets, i love collecting transmogg, but please can you complete these sets in future trader’s posts. it looks odd only have 3 pieces of a set. maybe add some new weapons if you have the time. thanks and fingers crossed for fully fleshed out sets.


Oh look… Hunter Set, more feathers! Because you can’t have enough of a generic look a million times!


Outside of raid content and the suffused stuff every set of shoulders this expansion for hunters seems to have feathers.

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