New class - Necromancer

Yea I always hated that argument. Meanwhile monks are allowed to exist despite sharing a ton with rogues. DH and warlock share a ton. DKs are basically just unholy paladins.

Sorry guys, some fantasy concepts have cross-over!

To me it never made sense that someone who hunts demons would turn into one. But it makes sense that a power hungry warlock would transform himself with demonic powers.

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It follows the concept of “use your enemy’s strength against them”. Same way DKs used their undeath power against the Arthas.

this would be a cool new class that they need - who wants necromancer a mage version of the death knight

Still say Shadow Priest should have been more Necromancer then Eldritch tentacle lover, not that I’m complaining mind you. Actually I kind of am aren’t I?

which would you prefer??

I think the issue boils down to what would another caster class do that others don’t?

I like the theme and style a necromancer brings in design wise. Its a gothic evil themed undead raising caster whats not to like?

The issue is what kit i would have already exists in others classes to such and extent I can’t see what it would do.

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Why is it Alliance only? Also we already have Death Knight and Warlock

It’s almost like casters and melee aren’t the same

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Classes largely all do the same thing anyway you break it down. Builder, spender, cooldowns, aoe, crowd control.

If you just took mage and called it “black mage” and have it shoot death lightning instead of fire I’m pretty sure people would love it.

Yea if anything you would need to be careful that it doesn’t feel too similar to warlock.

But blizzard made monks, which are basically just rogues from asia, so idk why they can’t make a necromancer.

They only exist on the Forums and their spellbook consists of exclusively “Google Ancient Text,” “Drudgery” and “Necropost.”

The concept of Necromancer class has been beaten to death so badly the horse has nothing left to reanimate, not even a Wish spell can bring it back because all knowledge of what it originally was doesn’t even exist in memory anymore.

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even Skeltons can be reanimated though in WOW