New class - Necromancer

Another class that will usurp abilities from current classes. People will love that.

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I donā€™t understand how unholy DK doesnt fill that necromancer spot for the people who constantly bring up this topic.

They are literally necromancers without the title of necromancer.
Is THAT the issue?
Are people mad they dont have that title therefore they donā€™t think we have necromancers?


Hilarious you chose to respond this way to this subject with a demon hunter. Have you not heard of warlocks? :rofl:

I mean give glyph ovwr warlock and u have necromancer.

Demonology - necro summoner summoning hordes of undead.

Affliction- plagues and diseases like unholy vut caster

Deatruction- necro caster_ necrotic blasts and so on.

Boom ur done.


New class for the Alliance:


New class for the Horde:

Paved road builder

El gatito.

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Did you know dhs existed before warlocks? Dhs were on the OG cover art of vanilla wow but unfinished at the time and scrapped. We had demon form first, they stole it.

Tell me without telling me you never played,

Warcraft Orcs and Humans
Warcraft II Tides of Darkness
Warcraft II Beyond the Dark Portal
Warcraft III Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III The Frozen Throne

Guess which one of these warlocks first appeared in, versus which one demon hunters first appeared in. :slight_smile:
Also, guess which one necromancers (well called necrolytes, but they had raise dead unholy armor blahblah) first appeared in.

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This right here is how Iā€™ve always felt about my Unholies and still do.


Look at the lore. Illidan and the illidary existed long before those games. ā€œAppearing inā€ doesnt equte to ā€œwhat came first in loreā€.

These are not the same argument. I think you know that. And your response is totally irrelevant to,

One of the weakest strawmen Iā€™ve seen that was intended to be serious. It started as a very minor self beclowning, and instead of shrugging your shoulders and conceding the amusing irony, even in silence, you went full Bozo.

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Demonology warlock becoming a demon never made sense to begin with, they are demon masters, not dhs. They control army of demons to do their bidding, while occasionally throwing out a shadow bolt or w/e else. The current iteration of demo locks makes 100% more sense then their past version.

Why only Alliance? Blizzard got rid of faction-specific classes in The Burning Crusade.

I really love they added this or even the Hero Class Lichā€¦ or if they improve the DK necromancy in some way or form, if Blizz is dead set on making them THE necromancer with Unholy spec.

Hmmm however, unless they make it similar or combine like how GW2 or ESO Necromancers workā€¦ I really donā€™t see it because Blizzard and a lot of players are under the impression that is the same as DKsā€¦yet their Rune Forge is lacking specially after SL with the new lore on Necromancy, Flesh Crafting and Rune Carvingā€¦ They also lack any interaction with corpses outside the cosmetic ability of exploding them, from what I am aware of. Canā€™t raise fallen corpses to fight (like battle rez but for NPC or corpses), drain essence to heal resources or make them explode where the dead bodies lie on the ground.

Also its shown in SL that DK Frost should be visually and mechanically more death likeā€¦ how heat/life leaves or drains the body, be more the Cold of Death the lack of Lifeā€¦ not just frost Wyrm shotting frost or DK spraying just snowy frost. Even the VFX of the cold frost should look more Ghostly and vicious/twisted, less arcane and more supernatural/unnaturalā€¦IMO of course, because if itā€™s just death using elemental magic like explained how Necromancy Worksā€¦ that means DK should be able to use Fire and other elementsā€¦ or maybe create some mix like DnD Rime Fire or Cold Fire like in ESO, where its like a Cold Version of Alquemic Fire (very annoying AoE spreading to anything that touches slowing, freezing and DoT you slowly with a shattering explosion spreading it more when dying under it). (IMO)

I think there is room to either expand the DK with hero specs to be more like Liches or Necromancers and/or expand what they can do with their Rune Forging if Blizz intend to double down on not needing a Necromancer or Hero Class Lich because of the existence of DK. (IMO)

But to be frank before they add Necromancers or Liches I hope they improve all DKs ability VFX they look very dated and pixelated compare to the other Hero Classes. (IMO)

Lee already have dkā€™s that live this fantasy. I know what you mean but it wonā€™t happen

I need a ā€œNot another Necromancer postā€ image. :sunglasses:

In this case, you need a ā€œnot another Felleynd troll postā€ image instead. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Easier solution, make a DK and then have Blizz put an all-class black robe on the Trading Post.
Problem solved!

We missed the chance for that to happen with SL.


Sure I did bud :rofl:

or not another Cur trolling post ā€” Cur is a real life Purple troll