New Class and Race Next Expansion?

Dragonsworn as a class.

Drakonids as a core race.

Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves as Allied races.

Ogres and true High Elves as bonuses.

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Vulpera have likely been a thing since the 2005 Warcraft book called The Sundering. On page 186 ā€œtiny red fox with a sly ā€” yet gnomish ā€” visageā€.

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This man should work for Blizzard, I agree with everything :+1:t4::grin:


Give me player housing a new race is boring and a new class will just be even more of unbalanced nightmare.

I want more things to do outside of the end game cause right now its world quests and killing rares for mounts BORING!

At this point Iā€™d rather not see any more derivative allied races. If new races are to be added, Iā€™d prefer they be new and unique models with their own customization like Vulpera and Kul Tirans. While I was underwhelmed by Kul Tirans visually, they are a unique (if unattractive/unappealing) aesthetic. And while Vulpera seem to use a modified Goblin rig, they are far more visually appealing than Goblins are (to me) and their customization options are not shared/similar with Goblins at all.

Any more derivative races would essentially be customization that could have been added to the parent race now that expanded customization is a thing. The only exception Iā€™d make for no more derivatives is if the derivative is available to the opposite faction of the parent race, and the parent race shares some/all/variants of the derivativeā€™s customization.

As for more classes, Iā€™m torn. While I wouldnā€™t mind seeing more ranged classes, caster classes, and/or cloth and mail wearing classes, Iā€™d prefer to see more specs added to existing classes. In particular, Iā€™d like to see the classes that are ā€œsingle roleā€ classes such as Hunters, Mages, Rogues, and Warlocks, get a new spec with a role that isnā€™t dps. Other classes could also benefit from new specs. Like say Demon Hunters getting a ranged DPS spec themed around thrown glaive attacks.

One big reason that a new class is less enticing for me is thatā€¦ I donā€™t actually see any benefit to a new class if I am happy with my current main. A new spec on the other hand, provides me with a new way to play the character I already love and am invested in. It would be different if we could be all classes on the same character like FFXIV does, but WoW doesnā€™t work that way. For me a new class means leveling a new character and having yet another alt that gets abandoned when the inevitable borrowed power and required chores/grinds gates them out of endgame content (because I donā€™t want to go through them again, not because Iā€™m actually prevented).

We already have Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves via customization Blizzard added to Magā€™har Orcs and regular Dwarves, I believe.

We most certainly do not.


Agreed. Until we have proper customizations for each current race and proper balance/identities for each class/spec we shouldnā€™t get any more races or classes.

Take a lot at the forums for any amount of time and there are so many ways they could make races be much more diverse and just fun to make, same as class and specs that are either struggling to perform or just donā€™t feel great to play.

For a New Class Iā€™m hopefully betting on Tinker/Engineer for all races than two, Gunslinger, Dragon Knight/Dragonspawn Class, Bard Class, Necromancer Class, and maybe class theme specs like Warden, Blademasters, and even Dark Rangers or just New Class Specs in General.

For the Races Iā€™m hoping to see:

Alliance: Vrykul, Arakkoa, Ankoan, Frost Dwarves, Skinny Kulā€™tirans, Half Elves, Highborne Night Elves, Saberons, Sethraks, Ethereals, Satyrs, and Jinyus.

Horde: Ogres, Forest Trolls, Hozen, Sauroks, Undead Elves, Sanā€™layn, Mokā€™thanal Orcs, Sethrak, Saberon Maybe, Ethereals, and Gnolls.


Painting a Bronzebeard does not make a Wildhammer. And Dragonmaw Orcs arenā€™t represented at all in the playable options.


Because allied races became a thing, I highly doubt theyā€™d do new races in the way they classically did themā€¦ as for a new classā€¦ ehā€¦ itā€™s hard enough for current Blizzard to balance the 12 that we have.

Throw in Tuskarr and Iā€™m all in :+1:t4:

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I wouldnā€™t be averse to a true Mongrel Horde expansion. Tuskarr, kobolds, furbolg, etc. make them a third faction while simultaneously removing the cross-faction grouping/guilding restrictions.

But is modern Blizzard ambitious enough?

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The Void needs a class on itā€™s own. Every major force has at least one whole class to themselves and the void only 3/4 pf a spec.

Just like Magic the Gathering quote says ā€œWhen the true enemy rises, darkness is your only hope.ā€, we will get a Void class to face against the Light.

Is that or bards, I assume. But if itā€™s not a new class, Iā€™d rather get real customization. Not 3 hairs, on one race, 17 on another, etc.

Tinker tinker tinker tinker



Tinkers pls Blizzard. Ethereals too.


Tinkers, I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever get. They would have only been viable as a launch class. Every post-launch class has been integrally tied to the theme of the expansion, and I highly doubt weā€™ll get a Goblins vs. Gnomes expansion. Theyā€™re a sideshow. Comic relief. Not the main event.

Hey after all this craziness maybe finally Blizzard start listening, I definitely wouldnā€™t argue against a third faction, actually by doing that it shows WoW progressing and changing dynamically!, making it feel more alive that other races are gathering together.

Actually, ActiBlizz should focus more on equality in the workplace, removing the bad actors in their workforce, and adequately compensating the victims of the abuse that has occurred, and I do believe that it did occur.

IF there is another expac, new races would be welcome, but ActiBlizz canā€™t even balance the classes we have, so no new classes please. However, allowing any race to be any class would be a huge draw. Forsaken paladins! Iā€™d so make a Forsaken paladin my main.

Semper Fi! :us:

People have been saying this since TBC was announced. It has never been a legitimate argument. Balance is a journey, not a destination. And a new way to experience the world will always outweigh the pursuit of an unattainable goal.

I think itā€™s a legitimate argument against new classes. You donā€™t. We have differing opinions, yours wonā€™t change mine and I wouldnā€™t expect mine to change yours. Suffice it to say that I have no faith at all the ActiBlizz could make a new class that is even remotely balanced and leave it at that.

Semper Fi! :us: