They’re also heavily requested and hyped up, like DKs and DH was.
Monks were basically the only one that came from nowhere (and a personal favorite of mine), despite being thematical to the expac.
Tinkers could really fit in any setting if they wanted to introduce it. The potential for them to do a lot of crazy fun stuff is there for people who like the idea of a more gadgety, petless hunter.
In all honesty, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a new class/race next expansion since there weren’t any allied races this expansion (at least not yet). But, at the same time I guess I wouldn’t be surprised either if there was no new class/race. I definitely think it would be nice to have though.
Tinkers and Necromancers. Once they have that Blizz can say that they broadly fulfill every class fantasy of Warcraft that isn’t super niche.
When it comes to Necromancers I’ll admit I’m biased. I have wanted that class since launch. They are my favorite unit in Warcraft 3 and would make a perfect base class.
Tinkers are arguably even more important because they are literally the “star” class of goblins, gnomes, and mecha-gnomes… and yet those races can’t even express that with current classes. Yes, engineering exists, but that really does not capture the feel of a tinker that an actual class would.
New races on the other hand, should added liberally, and without the allied race debacable complicating them. They should be available at an expansions launch, period.
What, exactly, makes them a Wildhammer then if not for adding pretty much all of the cosmetics the Wildhammer use to normal Dwarves? Adding Wildhammer would literally be adding Dwarves that look the exact same beyond tattoos and stuff like feathers and whatnot. We’ve had more than enough “exact same race” Allied Races as is.
That’s pretty much the intent of the system as it was originally introduced: to reuse existing assets.
Skin colours of Wildhammer are not represented, nor are their taller and slimmer statures, nor is the full breadth of their racial identity. It feels bad to have rams as your racial mount, to have Stoneform as a racial, and to have clunky plate as a heritage set. None of that represents the Wildhammer.
I would even make the argument that Wildhammer Dwarves are more distinct from Bronzebeard than Dark Iron are, both visually and culturally.