New Class and Race Next Expansion?

Ya know, this might be something that could make me re-sub.

Sounds kinda cool.

There are also definitively necromancers and Death Knights separate in the lore/canon.

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If they make any of the covenant races playable I stg I’ll yeet my desktop off a bridge

And ranged

Getting real tired of always getting melee classes

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Variety is the spice of life. The more races and classes, the better. I would love to see Ethereals brought in as a race, and a psionic class (Espers).

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Total new brand new reworks for the same boring specs would go further.

They won’t do that because it would require a lot of work to actually flesh them out and make them good

Why bother when you can just slightly tweak them and slap on a brand new borrowed power? :smiley:

I think 4-6 new races, 2-3 for each side to really show how things have been going since we have all be gone in the Shadowlands. That the horde n alliance have had to reach out to more factions to bring them into the war effort to bolster their armies.

I also think 2 new classes could be added to really spice up the cosmic side of the game, assuming Zovaal escapes the Shadowlands and is running a muck possibly with or against the Void. Artificer and Void Knight are my 2 choices for new classes.

I think race class combinations will be increased, allowing all core races to be able to be any class.

I think that certain abilities should be retained by each class leaving the Shadowlands. Priests keeping mindgames, rogues keeping bone spike, mages keeping night fae, shaman keeping vesper totem, druids keeping convoke, warriors keeping war banner, death knights keeping slappy hands, demon hunters keeping the hunt, warlocks keeping decimating bolt, monks keeping bonedust brew. Instead of getting rid of the borrowed power option, they retain the ability and its name changed to keep it thematic to the class.

10.0 has a lot of potentially going back to Azeroth and the great dark to see what has happened in our time we’ve been gone.

Until we get San’layn, eredar, fell orcs, necromancers, dark rangers, and apothecaries I am happy to keep getting new races and classes.

They also really need to do a smaller expansion set around rebuilding Azeroth rather than dealing with intergalactic threats.

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ogres, ogres, ogres, ogres, ogres. and forest trolls


did you just say night warrior in the next expansion? Another melee class for you!

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As much as this is a joke, I feel like blizzard will make another melee


Well it’s a possibility, originally shadowlands races were supposed to be not able to really leave shadowlands, but now in lore the Dreadlords are actually inhabitants of Shadowlands just exiled!, and Dreadlords have been in Azeroth forever basically sooo…realistically and with lore backing it up, nothing is stopping them from being playable and walking on Azeroth!…

Would they be my cup of tea?, not really but I’m sure a lot of people would like them playable.

R.I.P Desktop, you will be missed never forgotten :sob:

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Blizz doesn’t listen to us bro.

Leader likes raids. That’s why only raids are gud I’ll admit but I hate raiding.

Wow needs so much help. There’s so many problems. I just. Idk.

Hopefully 10.0 is amazing or it’s the end of WoW

This is my point entirely. Instead of adding more customizations to the currently existing races (which I am of course, all for), they created a new “race” like Highmountain Tauren and Mechagnomes.

That wasn’t a creative idea, that was a business move for people to buy character race changes. Or invest in a new character and level so as to lengthen out the subscription time.

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Honestly, I’d love a new race more than anything else. Gimme something new to learn about.


I think with things the way they are right now, they will come out swinging next expac.

they said this after BFA and what was delivered was arguable worse than BFA. They want to come out swinging on every xpac, if your thinking that a bunch of bad PR will equate to a good expansion I have some bad news for you.

expect coming expansions to be as bad or worse as what you have been getting, its not a matter of what they want to bring out but a matter of what they can bring out. The current teams there are underpaid, understaffed and undermotivated.

the talent required to do this game justice is just not there any more, they all left

I say Necromancer.

Tank turn imself into abomination or something. Or Even better they use minion as main character with your Character made next to it casting spell for boost it. (Like your character is the minion)

Healer would use the energy around him. Decaying the ground (Like in WC3 the undead base) to use it as healing source. So it would have to move around. Cause once the zone has no energy no heal can come out.

Rdps would be Lich using Blood/Frost magic

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So long as they make existing classes far better than they are first, then sure.

I’d really rather they just put soul back into the classes we already have, a new class would be too much of a distraction.

Make a 4th spec for each class, or an “ascended” style pathway in talent trees, offering deeper customization and greater variance in gameplay, that’s my personal wish

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Sadly with the way things are going for Shadowlands I don’t expect any new Classes or Races going forward. We’ll be lucky to get more Character Customization next Expansion.