New Class and Race Next Expansion?

No more classes until they can handle the ones they already have, please.

Okay so never? Just stop with this stupid argument. How aboutā€¦ stop with the systems. And instead add a class :metal:t2:

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Lol They actually look really cool and way better then blood elves : )
Fel totem warlocks and grimtotem warlocks would rock our world!

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If thatā€™s what it takes.

Itā€™s silly to ask for additional classes, considering the appalling state of several specs in the game right now.

A REAL housing model and a playable Vykrul and i would forgive Blizzard :slight_smile:

New races:


Naga (High Elves humanoid form)
Keepers of the Grove (Male) & Dryads (Females)

Necromancer - have a tree focused on Undead, another on Shadow/Arcane Magic, last on physical - make it a cloth tank
Mercenary - Mail class user with a tree focused on ranged combat (up to 25 yards), a gladiator tree which uses a Polearm and a Shield, and lastly a brawler tree which uses a 2h and a Ranged weapon in each hand - weaker but more rapid attacks along with high mobility


Iā€™d rather they balance the current classes than add additional ones.

For races, I think they should removal all restrictions, including faction.

Maybe my Orc is best buddies with a dwarf and wants to rock alliance.


No more classes. We have enough, theyā€™re starting to overlap.

Add customization options for our spells like recolors so people can pretend on their hunter to be a dark ranger and balance the classes we got please.

new races are good, sure. Just donā€™t lock them behind stupid crap. Let people log in a make one from the start, sick of the unnecessary grinds, making the race and class I want to play in your game shouldnā€™t be locked behind anything.

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  1. They cannot properly balance the classes and specs we have now properly, why would you want more?

  2. Virtually all of the allied ā€œracesā€ are glorified customization options that could have been achieved via the character creation screen, barber chair or a character model slider. I would expect more of the same :roll_eyes:

they can barely put out the bare necessities these days i wouldnt think about extras just yet.

I personally think not adding Necromancers was a huge miss on Blizzards part, so Iā€™m with you on this one!


except they would just 100% steal abilities from warlocks (largely affliction) and deathknights (largely unholy)

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agreed, except for the removal of race restrictions. i think it would be an absolute circus lol

the fantasy of warcraft matters to me more than anything else in the game tbh.

i dont think they mind that at all. destro warlock is basically a copycat mage

Give a Fury Warrior, 2x 1H weapons, and enchant the weapons with Icy Chill and you now have a Frost DK copyā€¦

But why not just use the spells and visuals already from the Maldraxxus Necromancers and Lichs?, I donā€™t think they have to take much or anything away from Warlocks and Deathknights.

Literally just squeeze in the blood magic from the Blood Trolls in BFA, Necromancers and Lichs from Shadowlands, they focus on Death, Shadowfrost and Blood Magicā€¦ bam you got Necromancers.

The only think I see them using is Raise undead, but we already have several pet classes so not really stealing.

3 specs, one heavily on Death magic focused on upfront damage, one on Shadowfrost focused on debuffs and one on Blood focused on healing using your health. Blood being a healing spec with a unique pet to help heal and siphon health from enemies into you of setting your health loss when healing, which be the first of that.

Just a little imagination and creativity, doesnā€™t have to steal spells from Warlocks or Deathknights.

soā€¦ a deathknight

If they did do a new class raceā€¦ all the hypocrites quitting would come running back right quick. Prob just for a month or two though.

Well Deathknights can tank and be melee? Necromancers is a range caster, look at the skills in Maldraxxus, Deathrift aoe, death bolts nothing that a DeathKnight usesā€¦

Your argument is like Priests and Paladins both are holy so they shouldnā€™t happenā€¦both even have a holy healing spec both completely different from eachother.

Or how mage and Deathknights both have a frost spec. Once again ones melee the other is range.

Their can be an overlap aslong as they both play and feel different from eachother.

New Battlegrounds please. Tired of playing the same things since Bush (43) was in office.