New Class and Race Next Expansion?

More choices means more chances to offend… Remove all races and have a greyish androgynous form with no features and make all classes have all the same abilities so that nobody feels left out.

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Yea let’s add humans to the game

Just gunna pop back into this thread to mention that the only race I will accept is a new bunny like race. Anything else after is fine but that first.

Class wise, I would prefer if they expanded more on current classes but for a new class maybe what was mentioned here:

Yea, I’m a weeb. what of it.

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I think they said that after BFA…

I’m actually really enjoying my diaper gnome… Love the racials, but hate the limbs.

They don’t need to "add"races, just make pre-existing races playable: Tuskarr!!!

I don’t think we will ever see new races again that have their own starting zones. Which is sort of sad in a way, even if I get the reason. There was something special to places like Eversong or Gilneas. I think we might get some new models but everything will just get thrown into Exile’s Reach at this point.

As for a new class, I don’t buy the “too many specs to balance” excuse at all. First if Blizzard cared about balance so much they wouldn’t add something atrocious like Covenants into the game. Which they never had any hope of balancing in the first place. Secondly, as with all things Blizzard, the only thing you can count on is if it sells then its a real possibility.

There shouldn’t be Mecha-gnomes? Why? They fit WoW’s flavor so well.

Vulpera are a different story though. This is the first “expansion isle beast race” that has suddenly decided to join us with absolutely zero setup or foreshadowing in prior expansions. Pandaren have been around for a while and so have Worgen, but Vulpera are definitely sort of forced because both factions need to have an equal number of new races (to be fair, Lightforged Draenei were essentially the same thing - made-up new “race” because Horde were getting Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne).

It’s not a big deal because Vulpera are kind of fun and we already have “furry” races, and they bring some kind of “Kawaii” type stuff to the Horde I gues, but yeah, they’re different in my mind than Mechagnomes, who feel “authentic”.

Yeah? Sales comes from hype. Hype is funl. I skipped BFA because it didn’t have anything hype going on, and came back for Shadowlands because Covenants were super hype (and I do like Covenants, regardless of balance issues). So I don’t really see it as a problem that Blizzard goes for the thing that is “hype” consequences be damned. WoW is a 17 year old game, the fact that it can still get me hyped is amazing.

People think they can’t balance the game… lol. It’s by design that it’s not balanced. That’s what makes the game interesting. The changes keep things fresh. They could absolutely balance everything completely but they would have to pretty much do like FF14 does have shared skills between roles and balance along melee and ranged dps. So every class would play similar. Boring, it’s fun to have broken things and do insane dps on some patches.

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There are enough stupid races.

I totally get your perspective on hype. But for me it was the opposite. Being someone who’s played the game since vanilla, a lot of the pieces of BfA were hype to me. Getting to explore Zandalar and Kul Tiras, confrontation with Azshara, and finally meeting N’zoth. Plus Allied Races. I mean I always wanted to play a DID since I first saw them. Not saying that Blizzard handled all of those aspects as good as they could of been but it was enough to energize me with hype in the game.

I wish I could say the same for Shadowlands. I think the covenant piece is a very cool concept, I just don’t like the implementation. I was initially excited for something like Torghast but it seems they were too conflicted with that they ultimately wanted it to be.

But that’s all good. Many different folks out there playing this game. I might not like the current expansion, but I am glad some people are enjoying it.

A new class adds brings a new dynamic to the game and a lot of people would enjoy it. I’d try it but just come back to Druid.

I think the game already has enough races though.

Newp. Big big newp. Let’s just get back to the basics and get to a point where they can actually balance the game before we add anymore complexity.

Mecha Forsaken and Tinker class plz.

So am I brother so am I

This could be a simple toggle switch to the character screen. Not even a new race.

Skinny KT or not skinny kt. Toggle to taste.

The angle some want here is a more british accented human who actually stays human. Worgen gives half of this. You sneeze and its werewolf form time.

I’d prefer new specs to new classes. Many of the existing classes have room for a 4th spec, Demon Hunter could always have a ranged spec or a spec that doesn’t use metamorphosis. Or a spec that is ranged or melee normally, but during metamorphosis swaps to the other one, like terrorblade in dota.

I think each new spec should be a role the class doesnt currently do, for example melee dps class like rogue should get either a tank, healer or ranged dps spec.

The warrior is getting revamped, its going to be the Social Justice Warrior as part of Activisions virtue signaling due to the current Blizzard scandal.

The Arms, Protection and Fury specs are all getting combined into one confusing non-binary spec, the spec wont make any sense and can change from day to day but its not for you to understand so just roll with it bigot, some talents like rumbling earth, seethe, cruelty, and anger management will remain as they fit into the Social justice warrior fantasy but many will be revamped.

The rage bar will remain but it will be maxed out 100% of the time and the Social justice warriors kit will be built around a second bar called the consent bar. During encounters, despite the fact that the Social justice warrior always instigates the fight its opponents will have to ask the warrior for permission to return blows.

One of the social justice warriors core moves will be called “touch of communism” in which the warrior simply demands all the bosses loot for no effort because they believe they deserve it. The social justice warrior will also have a permanent 50% reduction in movement speed when walking or running because fitness is part of the patriarchy.

God I hope not

Race: Naga
Class: Necromancer

Yes please.

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Nah that would be stupid. A taurin warlock would make no sense. I wish people would let this go. So terrible lol