New Cinematic - Winter Queen, Elune, Tyrande


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Trust me, we don’t care that much, y’all can have that mess.

I think what offends me most, though, isn’t just that they made Elune ridiculously, hilariously stupid; but that they randomly made her callous, calculating, evil by any reasonable metric. To consider who in hell knows how many of her own civilians dying, to look at them in their helplessness, and be like “yeah this is fine”

It just absolutely flushes any faith her people had in her or any assurance she was a positive presence, it’d be like if they revealed the Earthmother and she said “yeah my children suck and are chronically Worfed by design, it is My Sacred Will”

Par for Blizzard’s course but I’m almost glad I never got super invested in Nelves because I’d be crushed.


Yeah so now all the forces have a pantheon so that Elune can call the Winter Queen ‘sister’. By the way, the Winter Queen’s design is still so ‘off’ to me, like it’s half finished.

Anyhow, the first ones being dead is cliche, that’s how it always goes “our creators are dead”, yeah no crap they are. *yawn

The greater universe is made very small if the Legion/Sargeras destroyed all life.

Honestly I just hate it. If you’re going galactic, don’t make it this dumb. There’s a huge dissonance between the infinite vastness of the universe and the whittling down of it to where one planet matters – that’s not a good cosmic scale at all.


Galadriel but worse

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I refuse to believe we’re all that’s left. The universe is VAST. Maybe our galaxy and a few neighboring ones were scoured, but no way the entire universe. If that’s the case Azeroth should have lost. The Legion, by all rights, should be incomprehensibly big if they have killed all other life. That would even make me feel WoD should have ended with the Legion just engulfing Draenor with sheer numbers.


Yeah, but they didn’t have Illidan.

Seriously, remember one of the Demon Hunter artifacts were weapons forged by a race the Legion wiped out but specifically were one of the few races to hold the Legion at bay for a while.

We’re “special”, in the same way the Humans of the Korpulu Sector are special. The same way the Nephilim of Diablo are special.

Blizzard has ONE story (ie WarCraft 3) and they recycle it mercilessly.


I got “Asari cosplayin’ as a coat rack” vibes

I mean I ain’t no collection of primo parts neither so eh

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I said this about the raid cinematic, but I think it applies here too, and that’s the idea that there is a good story here.

Blizzard just doesn’t know how/want to tell it.

Revenge vs Justice, Restorative vs Retributive Justice, etc. These are cool (and important!) concepts to explore and one of the things that I absolutely love about genre fiction is that it often does deal with “big questions” like these.

There is a story where Elune, herself a duality of Mother Moon and Night Warrior, learns of Sylvanas’ fragmented soul and pities her, even despite the Banshee Queen’s many sins, and Tyrande struggles to comprehend this.

There is a story where Tyrande is consumed by vengeance, and begins to blur the line between justice and vengeance, alienating those close to her even if they understand her pain. Dang if only she had a connection to a cast of characters who have struggled with these questions before. Like, idk, a Demon Hunter who changed his physiology and became a pariah to exact his vengeance quite successfully. Or an awesome assassin woman who pursued vengeance at all costs but found in the end it left her feeling nothing but empty and at the end of all the bloodshed and killing, her grief was still there. Maybe an adopted daughter who lost her parents to the Legion but has never given into despair and wants to help her mother back from the ledge. Maybe we can call them Billidan and Naiev and Thandris. It would be so cool if characters like that existed and had a connection to Tyrande. And maybe after this beautiful arc, Tyrande does have Sylvanas - whole, guilt-ridden, broken-hearted Sylvanas - at her mercy and makes the decision herself to spare the Broken Queen.

There is a story where we wonder why Elune let all those innocents die. And then, when we defeat the Jailer, we have this dark moment where the Shadowlands have been too damaged by the drought. It doesn’t matter. We failed. And then Elune appears and says, “I did not abandon you, sister,” and hundreds of thousands of wisps appear. The dead of Teldrassil, lingering as anima-rich wisps in the world of the living, waiting at the wisdom of their goddess for this moment. In a beautiful moment that mirrors the destruction of Archimonde at Hyjal, the multitude of wisps detonate on the Ardenweald tree and their anima restores it and “life” to all of the Shadowlands.

Tyrande relinquishing the power of the Night Warrior should have been momentous. In a world of super weapons and attempts of genocide, she had godlike power (which should have been respected more but that has been discussed to death.) And she let it go. It should be an incredibly beautiful moment, witnessed by all the main characters and acknowledged in game for what it was.

And maybe some of that stuff is coming. But a 30 second cinematic here and there dribbled out every 6 months in a game that otherwise doesnt respect my time and what I put into it isn’t worth it.


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The more I consider the whole Anima thing the more I’m convinced that Azeroth is simply the Matrix.

You become an anima battery in life for the real world in your time in the simulation of Azeroth, and your death is simply that battery running out and the “afterlives” just inserting new batteries.

The Jailer is Agent Smith. Taking all the resources “Anima” and copying himself/his minions over and over to take control.

At this point the Shadowlands story seems so flip-floppy and not-convoluted-but-trying-to-be and so poorly told I feel like I am better off preserving myself by thinking the entire expansion + BfA is a fever dream after we all hit our heads at the end of Legion when the sword plunged into Azeroth.


Why is she the Winter Queen?

its not exactly winter in her realm

Maybe Ardeanweald is like the PNW and it’s more like a mild balmy winter and seldom gets cold enough for snow

My only thought is that Winter is when nature seems to be dead, but really is resting, replenishing, and getting ready for next Spring. Like Ardenweald, where souls go to rest until they are ready to bloom again in the world of the living.


legion was the end of the world. we defeated the burning legion, sure, but sargeras still sunk his blade into azeroth. the sheer force of the impact cracked the planet wide open, sending chunks of it hurtling into space. a third of the world’s population died instantly, and not many survived the next few months. only those savvy enough to escape off world (be it through time manipulation or actual space flight) were able to survive.

by the end of the month after the impact, azeroth was barren.

the legion was defeated, at long last… but at the cost of our final sacrifice.

in time, azeroth would be turned into a great monument of the success and tragedy of its mortal heroes in the universe’s most dire hour. it’d serve as a rallying cry for the warriors that now faced the void.

battle for azeroth? shadowlands? who dares defile the legacy of the world of legionfall, where all of everything was ushered into deliverance by mortal hands and mortal minds? a shame. we consider not the word of defilers.


because it sounds like something fey

because it is in, like, every other franchise and WoW is nothing if not a barnacle clinging to the hull of the SS Trope.

Indeed - Winter as a season is typically associated with death but also rebirth and renewal. From this viewpoint the Winter Queen is appropriate symbology given Ardenweald’s role in the cycle, although I do think the zone would’ve been better served thematically with a layer of snow.


It’s just not that deep. Her name has no meaning. Like with many things in the game, they just lifted the theme/concept out of something else–in this case, Shakespeare and real world mythologies–but without any kind of depth. Her name is the Winter Queen, but her association with winter is tenuous at best. There are fairies in Ardenweald and they play pranks but that’s it. The Wild Hunt is there, but it’s only the defense force. Seelie? Unseelie? What are those??

It’s just a bunch of related concepts from another source haphazardly dumped into WoW with no sense of congruence or meaning. It’s the lore equivalent of a Family Guy joke, where it’s just a copy-pasted mess of “hey recognize this?”


The winter season is associated with nature dying and death so it makes sense from that point of view.

this one bothered me the most

the wild hunt is a really cool concept in myth and in most games ive seen it put into, but in wow its just another lame guard force.
