New Cinematic - Winter Queen, Elune, Tyrande

going to be an unpopular opinion, but i liked the cut scene. Mythological gods do be like that sometimes. Really sucks haha. I definitely understand many other peoples viewpoints as well though.

It would have been fine if Blizzard didn’t build up Elune to be this one true “God” in Warcraft who was this big mystery. A God that we know is worshipped on several other planets across the cosmos implying she is something more. Only to be like LOL no she is just stupid.

If they had set the precedent that there were other gods like Elune and they were all like this, then sure you could argue it was fine (although this is debatable given everything else the Night elves have had to endure), but Blizzard didn’t do that.

They straight up retconned Elune into being just an idiot.


I was literally typing almost the same thing. But this in particular.

I mean I always knew this… but it was just in my head until Blizz made it canon.

See, folks? Head-canon really can become official!


i guess i just saw Elune and Winter Queen as a Zeus Hades thing with both being good, but not really able to see into each others realms directly, I feel Elune def has more power though…

And that would be fine if Blizzard originally set it up that way, instead they are just retconning Elune into being part of the Life Pantheon when she was always this being that they said was actually a true God in Warcraft. Which explains her influence across the cosmos.


But the Life pantheon is different than the titans correct? or no?

It doesn’t matter.

They’re all one bad decision from being in a Raid

Gods, Loa, Old Gods, Titans, Naaru…titles dont matter, theyre just bigger, slightly more powerful NPCs

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As far as I am aware no? But I could 100% be wrong.

To me there is a Pantheon for every cosmic force. The Eternal Ones in the Shadowlands are the Death Pantheon. The Titans were the Order Pantheon. And Elune is part of the Life Pantheon.

And to me it is crappy that they reduced Elune down to basically being a Life Titan.

ooooh i see what you are saying, are the Eternal Ones not The First Ones?

Nope. The Eternal Ones are the Winter Queen, Zovaal, Kyrian leader, and Denathrius. The First Ones were the gods that apparently made everything or at the least organized it? I don’t know this new cosmology bs is dumb. But if they had made Elune a First One it would have made more sense to me.

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see i agree with that, that would make sense, but my buddy in discord has a theory on why thats not going on. In Korthia they mention the Sepulcher is not to be mentioned even to allies, so it may be the First Ones are dead and the next raid may be an actual tomb of the first ones that the Jailer is trying to get into. At least I think thatd be a super cool idea

I wouldn’t be shocked if Blizzard pulled some story crap where the First Ones are dead, like maybe they were dying and that is why they created the universe and put everything in place with rules, and then locked away their knowledge of the universe in the Sepulcher (why they would do that don’t ask me…) as their final act before dying.

That would be why Zovaal wants to go to the Sepulcher so he can learn the secrets of the universe and remake it in the way he wants.


The worst expansion continues to get even more terrible. I think we can simply just say that WoW’s story ended with Legion. Everything else has just been garbage.

And this is from someone that LIKED probably 70% of BfA.


Agreed. Although I did not like 70% of BfA… looking back now though I appreciate the leveling zones way more than Shadowlands. It’s just hard to like BfA as a worgen player, they straight gutted Worgen and punched us in the face all expansion.

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i think its a cool idea that they are dead, or maybe if Elune actually was still the last of The First Ones, or what if Elune and Winter Queen were two halfs of one of The First Ones xD. i do think their knowledge being in there would be silly. It would be cool if he thought whatever was in there was a key to knowledge of universe, but instead was just a last message to their “children” their creations that now exist today. A final farewell, or message of pride of how far they have come to be able to reach that place

Ehhh they would never make Elune the last First One because then the Horde would cry that wasn’t fair. No offense, but come on they would, they’d be like well where is our First One?

Anyways, I doubt Blizzard would do that, it would effectively remove Zovaal’s purpose and threat level if he got there and it was just a farewell letter from the First Ones. Would it be a troll move? Absolutely. But I can’t see Blizzard doing that as their current writing is go bigger and bigger so they need Zovaal to be trying to remake the universe for us to stop him.

us. They can ruin us. Oh wait, they already are…


are you serious?

Why would we want something that dumb?

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im just reading y’alls theories and going “boy howdy that sounds like the xel’naga all over again”

they have one story, i guess, lmao


cracks open soda and pulls string

confetti flies out and a big banner saying Bwonsamdi > Elune is present as a parade goes through town

Bwonsamdi is a better example of mythological deities looking out for their people while having enough edginess to throw some people under a bus (Rastakhan)