New Cinematic - Winter Queen, Elune, Tyrande

Tanoke casts ‘Evoke Tears, Rank V’

Solarions casts ‘Actual Strong Female Character Rank X’

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God, like

I do not love Disney, I DON’T, but Coco turns me into a blubbering, senseless idiot without fail and within seconds


Mama Imelda is quite simply one of my all time favorite characters from Pixar. That’s how you do a strong female character right. She’s got the history, the personality, the presence, the common sense and intelligence, and a great set of pipes on top of that.

Amazing movie.


Coco is the only movie which has genuinely made me feel sad as an adult.

I rule out Mufasa’s death because that was when I was a kid.

Also I felt sad for the imaginary friend in Inside Out.


The ending of Moana also reduces me to quivering soup, too, every time

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I wish I could say the same, but the first… ten or fifteen minutes of UP had me bawling like a baby.

Also technically not Disney

Ending of How to Train Your Dragon 3 made me feel sad cause it was a reality slap.

This said…

On a note of -good- writing, my friends and I have been making a case that Davy Jones is the best written villain of the 2000s.

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This is random, but I have always said Delaryn Summermoon should have been the Night Warrior instead of Blizzard killing her and having Nathanos raise her as a Forsaken. Here is why:

  1. It alleviates the power level issue of the Night Warrior, if Delaryn Summermoon struggled to beat Jailer powered Nathanos and the 2 Val’kyr, and then nuked one of them that would have been way more impressive as she was just a nobody Night Elf before becoming the Night Warrior. As it was now, Tyrande should have been able to do that BEFORE becoming the Night Warrior.

  2. The players who hate Tyrande don’t have to deal with her. And it allows Blizzard to expand on new characters like Delaryn, who I thought was a cool character in the pre-patch for BfA.

  3. This whole bullcrap choosing “Vengeance vs Renewal” would make more sense. Imagine if Delaryn was the one that went to the Shadowlands to hunt down Sylvanas and wanted revenge. AND THEN Tyrande goes and she talks down Delaryn the way she did Kael’thas to bring that parallel from Warcraft 3.

I don’t know, that was just a random thought I had. Like it still wouldn’t have been the best story, but at least it would have made a little more sense and wouldn’t have made the whole Night Warrior story as dumb as it was with Tyrande being it.


I like that idea a lot.

Especially you’re right about this.

Unfortunately Blizzard thinks that there are only four characters in the world of Warcraft. Anduin, Jaina, Thrall and sometimes Tyrande or sometimes Baine but instead we got Nathanos lol


“I have altered the lore, pray I don’t alter it further!”

  • Darth Danuser, probably



Anyways, I would love for them to reboot the entire Warcraft series, but at this point I think someone else would have to have the IP. Even without the stuff they’re under fire for, I don’t think the current team can be trusted to do it well.


The only issue I have with a reboot is I would not get to play a Zandalari.

Would be stuck with the drab choices of Pickle Orcs, bad posture trolls, Minotaurs and zombies again.

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I did have my own personal ideas on how they would do it, yeah it was a rip-off of what Yoshi P did with ARR but I went off of what I saw in the story we have now. Since its become apparent that all these retcons and changes to the story to the point where even character’s are inconsistent that they could probably use the Infinite dragonflight as a catalyst, so strap in, i’m going to waste my time over a short story no one will read.

SL suddenly ends, some how everything is where it was roughly near the end of BfA, Sylvy hasen’t had her mok’garok moment yet. No one remembers but you (and a handful of others but vaguely) and of course the bronze dragonflight. Chromy comes to hurry you along to the caverns since something obviously happened and you talk to Nosdromu.

Nos gives you a heads up that 'the Infinite are working on something big! there’s some huge cracks in the time ways and somehow they managed to cut us back to this very moment, what happened before was completely wiped out of existence which shoulden’t be possible all things considered and he sends you to some places in the world.

Little do you know, when he sends you out there with some bronze dragon doo-hickey of exposition you unknowingly make things even worse, Chromie wanting to help sends you to the heart of azeroth where magni is to see if they can find some titan McGuffin but find that somehow the sword was no-longer there, magni frozen in time. Chromie frees him and we get a tale that ‘why yes! Infinite are doing this! but Nosdromu is behind it’ which is weird so we go back to CoT. Now that your onto his game he explains, ‘well I did say that one day I would become Murozond… I never did say when. Would you believe ‘Before any of you where ever born?’ (Just to make clear, the reason your sent to that particular time was Nos’ attempt to make his plan happen but didn’t have enough juice to do it/it wasen’t properly stable to do so. and now hes used sagerus sword as an energy catylist to do this big time paradox thing happen.)

And so a nice exposition dump of ‘knowing when he would die and knowing all of these events would come to pass.’ the reasoning to why he is messing with time being 'to just give into the entropy of it all, nothing of this world or this universe is right and to simply start over in a timeline not as broken as this one, after all… hes fulfilling his charge of keeping with the timelines and this is after-all ‘the wrong one’.

So with some exposition boom its up to us to get pokey sticks to drive him back and fight him, he goes to say ‘you already know you had done this before, sending me back in time while I am weak… little you know I will continue further to complete my plan’ and so he ‘shoops!’ right in there. We go back in time as well to finally finish him off for good totally this time then… Uh… something something WoW 2.

Boy that’s alot to write.

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That’s not necessarily true. Rebooting the warcraft IP doesn’t necessarily mean going back to how it was in Classic WoW. They could easily reboot it in an alternate Warcraft where the story is different and it allows them to write all the playable races as playable. Just my two cents anyways.


I really want to believe that, but that falls under the category of “need to see it to believe it.” for me.


That’s not a bad take.

Another approach is the Jailer won, he did his Thanos snap and suddenly we all wake up back home? At least we think it’s home and realize something isn’t right. We remember everything but the land is different, mountains and rivers you don’t recognize. The world is strange and primal but still familiar.

You are on Azeroth, after the Titans had departed but before the rise of the Troll Empire, the Highborne and the Sundering. However you didn’t change, you’re still you and have all your memories because whatever it was that allowed you to interact with the First One’s relics has kept you safe from what the Jailer had done.

Now you start a new adventure in a strange and unknown Azeroth but something doesn’t sit right with you. You went back in time, but something fundamentally has changed and you are now on a quest to find out while exploring this untouched pristine world.

Annnnnnd that’s all I can think of but maybe something like Breath of the Wild idk lol

I agree.

Like, when WoD came out, I was wondering if this was going to be the reboot of the franchise and the expansion leading to Guldan doing his invasion into Azeroth. We the players are now in the past, with Alliance aiding Stormwind and the Eastern Kingdoms repel the Orcish invasion while the Horde is on Draenor along side the uncorrupted orcs attempting to root out the warlocks and fel influence over the clans.

Might have some side characters, like Khadgar or something being like, no you can’t mess up the timeline but it’s already so screwed up that we just do what we want. Which could lead to future big bads but essentially after WoD would just be Warcraft 1 the expansion. Except you can still be an undead or a night elf.

Anyway none of that happened but I thought it was so they could tie it in with the Warcraft movie that had just come out but I guess not lol.