New Cinematic - Winter Queen, Elune, Tyrande

Not really, that’s a hilarously dumbed down, and wrong, way it went.

BfA leaves me displeased in many ways, but they do address that. They reveal the only crimes Rastakhan committed was laziness in letting Zul run off with part of the military to start those wars, but we also see pretty clearly it was A) Not a big portion of their military and B) The overwhelming majority of the Zandalari were focused on addressing internal issues.

But no crap the Zandalari approached the Horde for help. Your options are quite literally a group who houses your cousins in the Darkspear who might at least entertain helping you in exchange for cooperation or a group who might as well be the orcs in the eyes of trolls given the amount of genocide and territorial encroachment.

Reboots wont fix anything. Only a total overhaul of the writing team will.

Also, Lordaeron belongs to the Amani, since Humans and Forsaken cant behave.

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We are still in Nya’lotha and N’zoth has taken most of Azeroth. We never defeated him and pretty much everyone is dead. In a last-ditch effort, someone comes in to wake us and send us back in time to change a key point in the past. Though going by WoD logic that would just create another alt Draenor type scenario, but maybe they could write a way around that.


Well, I was aiming for satire sooo… mission accomplished?

I mean… those are some serious crimes. Rastakan can’t really wash his hands of them. Likewise, were the Zandalari focused on internal issues? Talanji seems to make the case that the Zandalari have ignored the threats on the islands, such as the Blood Trolls or the Sethrak.

Granted this is just one more thing I don’t like about the lore. Considering how proactive the Zandalari were in Vanilla and Wrath, it’s just… strange that they weren’t keeping a better eye on things at home. I understand some native threats need to exist, but I think it might’ve been more… realistic if they were new threats and not things left to fester.

Well, Talanji did. Rastakan was keeping his distance even when the Horde were in Zandalar.

Imagine for a moment if the Zandalari decided to go Alliance because the Horde attacked them and other trolls during the course of… time. All I’ll say is, Blizzard made the right choice in NOT repeating their blunder of putting the Blood Elves on the Horde.

Both. The story has been too badly damaged by bad lore and terrible story elements. There is incredible potential in the material, but it wasn’t just squandered, it was smeared with feces.

Sure, all… uh… five of the Amani left.

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I kind of think we are at this point

Shadowlands, it was the blurst if times.


Something I consistently encounter lately is the sentiment of “— !!! NO!! WOW CAN’T JUST STOP BEING MADE!! IT CAN’T JUST END AND BLIZZARD CAN’T JUST GO AWAY!!!”

Like. Can’t it, though? I feel like a world without Blizzard would move on. A world without WoW would keep turning. I don’t want to see people robbed of something they love, but at the same time… they deserve so much better. Maybe it needs to just fall apart.


It is worth noting the Warcraft IP is massive. I highly doubt there’s a single person who games to a good amount that doesn’t know of Warcraft. It’s very valuable. I think worst case scenario they sell it and someone else picks up the franchise. May not be WoW but at least we’ll still see more of Azeroth.

At least this is what I tell myself to feel a little hope in the prospect of the game declining so badly.

Let’s not got it twisted, I’m not saying Troll’s have it good deity wise, I’m just saying in comparison it’s not that bad compared to others.

It absolutely can fall apart and the world will continue spinning.

That said, I have no idea what it costs to run this game, but I feel 110% comfortable in saying that the cost(s) to run this game in ‘maintenance mode’ would still be profitable enough for it to not be going anywhere, certainly not any time soon. (watch, as I turn out to be completely wrong…)

I will also add, that may be in large part to people like me.

I have (3) active subs for WoW. Yes, 3. I have barely logged into two of those since Shadowlands started. This one, (that Norman resides on) I haven’t logged into in almost two months. All (3) subs are still active.

I know that barring anymore BS, I will eventually log back in and start playing. Probably not much in Shadowlands, because I find it a horrible expac, but I will start goofing around with old content again. If people want to hate me for giving money to Blizzard, so be it.

For me, the sub fees are pocket change compared to the joy I get (or used to get) from logging in occasionally and playing. My ROI, is still far above what the subs fees are. That will return at some point.

I’ve said it before, will continue saying it. For me, it’s just math. For what I pay, am I getting what I feel that is worth? I still say yes, even having not logged in for almost two months.

I know many other people don’t feel that way and that’s fine too. We all have to make decisions for ourselves.


And I’m pointing out that it is. Troll cities and villages get written as being attacked/depopulated all the time and the loa are never expected to prevent it. Half the time, the loa are written as the main reason for why Trolls need to be culled. Also, it was a loa -originally intended to be Bwonsamdi but later changed to Mueh’zala- who put Sylvanas in charge so she could spread so much death and destruction in the first place.

Trust me. If you don’t want Night Elves and Elune to be written the same way Blizzard writes Trolls and the loa. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve said this before but the Warcraft IP isn’t going anywhere. If Blizz falls apart tomorrow and doesn’t have some sort of protection set up to make Warcraft untouchable, it’ll be quickly bought up by another company. WoW isn’t the end-all of Warcraft, it’s a big universe with alot of potential that Blizzard has unfortunately squandered in recent years. Books, movies, video games, lots can be done with it, and the potential that comes from a large, dedicated fanbase who is eager to see how a new company handles the IP is massive.


Yeah, they also wanted Bwonsamdi to be ‘evil’ but changed it after they realized how much people love him. Having Bwonsamdi be the one telling Vol’jin does seem a bit right (since Vol’jin worshipped Bwonsamdi), but I’m really glad they changed it.

I doubt Blizz is going anywhere. The name alone is worth keeping even if the company itself is gutted completely and remade. And if such a thing were to happen, it couldn’t be any worse than what’s already been done.

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It should.

Everything good should eventually end.

Warcraft is evidence of it. It was good, it should have ended, and then it didn’t. It lived long enough to be turned into a circus.

They could make a new game with the same exact gameplay and people’d probably eat it up, especially if it lacked the baggage and carried the classic Warcraft appeal.


If you took wow’s gameplay reskinned with a new setting and story on a new engine with current graphics, I’d play that. I mean I already kinda am with SWTOR.


I’d play it, probably, as long as everything currently plaguing the company is gone.

I mean everything.


Yeah, but I was talking about a whole new ip by a whole new company. If some dev(s) were out there like “we made a gameplay clone of wow, but in this new universe with new lore and races on unreal 4 or whatever is the latest… also with player housing cloned from Wildstar.”

I would just smash a hole through my screen and being shoveling in my money.

We can always hope that Disney buys it and gives us the hella-thick Pixar mom graphics upgrade.

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No comment. :hushed:

I wonder what Disney forsaken would look like?

Current Disney not “Night on Bald Mountain” or “The Black Cauldron” Disney…sadly

Probably as slighltly greener Coco realm of the dead, but without the vibrant colors and heartwarming story.

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