New cinematic trailer just dropped

I could agree with this, if the clips lead to an obvious question. A feeling of suspense. “What’s that sound? What’s around the corner?”

This… has none of those things. The closest it comes is the ship about to enter the cave to Harrowfell (?) … expect it then DOES show us the city and … so what?

People are trying to lump this in with the DF cinematic, but even the DF was a hype for a new flying method. We see the antagonist, Razagath. It’s OBVIOUS why she’s to be feared!! She’s so much larger, commands obvious power, she is an IMMEDIATE threat to the characters. And then we see the protagonist, Alexstrazha. Showcasing her role as the life-binder, bringing life to everything she breathes on. The clip ends showing the silhouettes of many dragons because… this is an expansion about Dragons. It may not be the BEST one Blizzard has ever made, but it’s solid.

omg the CLASSIC cinematic?? It’s the stuff of legends.

But THIS?? It’s nothing. It’s so bad.

I think I’ve recently seen a clip of all the cinematics for WoW as one long-form on YT and … it’s more than 6 hours long. And in ALLLLLLLL of that 6 hours, this is the ONLY ONE that I would say is legit bad.

I’m not a Blizzard hater. I wouldn’t be outspoken it if wasn’t true-- this trailer is terrible.


You mean crab-burg.

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On this character yes. My monk tho, no:

the thunderlord set is pretty barbarian-like! I dig

(and I’m outta likes :blue_heart:)

Honestly I don’t like Night Elf much, it’s a Druid thing. If Druid could be Draenei this character would be tmogged different lol

yeah, though I do like that nelf women have abs and look more amazonian.

World of Diablocraft

2020 called, it wants its very funny jokes back.

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And that attitude is exactly why pro-diversity discourse is failing and the tide is turning against diversity.

If you are unwilling to understand the issues with diversity in media today, you can’t correct, change and normalize it.


It’s always excuse after excuse.

It’s not that I don’t like diversity, it’s that the quality is bad. No, I don’t have a problem with it, I’m actually [fill in the blank] (or I have friends who are ___).

I don’t have a problem with it, it’s just that every depiction of diversity has been done wrongly. Don’t get me wrong, I love diversity, I just don’t like seeing them in anything I consume. I mean, I don’t like seeing them done wrongly, that’s what I meant.

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I really did not like this trailer at all, except for the Nerubian stuff at the very end. Not sure how this trailer is supposed to get anyone hyped for the expansion? It reminds me of the recent Dragon Age trailer, just very odd like a MOBA trailer. Nevertheless, still got TWW because the features look fun.

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And those issues are real.

And they work against normalizing diversity.

Why is this so difficult to understand?

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Legit /10char

Here’s the thing. Those statements aren’t wrong. They absolutely do a garbage job on diversity. I’ve been gaming most of my life and the majority of discourse around it wasn’t toxic until companies started using it as a banner to signal how good and virtuous they were.

No one complained about Elena or Kimberly from Street Fighter or Eddie, Raven, and Leroy Smith in Tekken. Same for black characters in other media. Video games are an interactive visual medium. A badly done character stands out even more.

None of these modern attempts to reach myself or my family are working. We know our culture and what rings true and what doesn’t. These companies are just writing us as they wish we were instead of what we actually are.


Because the quality usually is bad lol. Just look at The Acolyte, after the third episode, it completely fell off the top 10 ratings charts. For a show that cost 180 million, that’s pretty horrible lol.


Make a cool character, like Mace Windu.
Everyone will love it.

Faerin is a meme.
Nobody wants to be represented by a meme.


Its been fun watching reactions to this cinematic trickle in through my guild discord, mostly just people expressing confusion as to what they were supposed to take away from any of this. Tons of “Am I supposed to know who these people are?” “What is the point of this?” and lots of shrugging emojis. :laughing:


Yessss! This! :weary: make these characters cools and interesting (being attractive doesn’t hurt either).

It’s really not. Its probably one of the least WoW like cinematics they’ve ever released.


Textbook “stop having fun because I’m not.”

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