New cinematic trailer just dropped


i wish i cared…i really do.
anyway, thanks for the

It’s an Old god/void entity it can look like whatever it wants.

On a side note can earthen be shamans?

time to cook you zombie.

not a fan of dead anything, velfs were nearly killed so they had horrible dark circles under their eyes. it was not good as combined with limp greasy looking hair, they looked like drug addicts on the edge of death.

Blizzard doesn’t animate them as dead elves though. They might tell us, on paper, that a body is dead.

But it’s clear that when they animate this stuff, they approach these “undead” characters in the way animators approach vampires. They look very much alive, with a couple quirks (maybe pale skin, maybe red glowy eyes, etc.).

For whatever reason, Blizzard tends to only commit to the “actually inhabiting a corpse” look with human undead, and even then, mostly only with the Forsaken. (A human death knight, for instance, looks alive still, just with glowy blue eyes and such).

The problem is when there’s a conflict between what people see with imagery and what’s described on paper, the imagery wins out. People can read “X is a walking corpse.” But if they just see a goth chick in imagery, the goth chick imagery will win out in people’s concept of what the character is. What’s written on paper will be discarded.

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Because that’s the cool thing now. Men are women, women are men…companies checking off boxes.

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bfa was first model i think. remember her leaving as she is freed from the dagger by nzoth? and in legion she has the smexy voice lines

Wouldn’t zombies be more inline of jerky?

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Some bits are decent, unfortunately the obvious 2024 forced token character just completely makes me forget about the expansion and basically ruins w/e mood the trailer is trying to convey.

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well humans have always had dark skin color options, if you’re referring to faerin, and shes part human and part elf… an arathi (half elf). it seems like a natural progression of the story to see npcs with various skin colors

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Um have you seen Mrs. Freeze? um…yea…

boy she’s devious

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Yep, sure it does

She seems cool.

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I was not sold on that new race when it was datamined. I have now been sold. I will be needing one immediately. Specifically a druid.

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um…try again in suicide squad game.

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well if there have always been people with various skin colors, why wouldnt they be depicted ?? i thought faerin looked cool.

The comics always trump movies or games.

Ah, haven’t played it cause I be poor, or seen much of it past Honest Trailers lol.