New cheetah druid form revamp

So yea after browsing WoWhead’s datamined model list it seems the cheetah form for druids is getting a touch up . . .

As a hunter main all I can say is if this thing doesn’t get a tameable variant I am gonna be VERY unhappy.

Since I can’t post links if anyone wants to post the image down below be my guest. Thank you.


Sure, no problem.


Wow. I like it. But I need to see it’s run cycle.



You’re sick lmfaoooo


I’m still wondering how this looks like a Cheetah.


There’s a chance it might. Usually when Blizz updates an animal model they retroactively apply it to all the others out in the old world.

So we could probably expect cheetahs everywhere to not be vanilla anymore. Maybe even all of the various old world cats who use that type of model. The era of their stone age pixels might be over!

Or maybe not. We’ll see, but I’d be surprised if they didn’t use this new upgrade elsewhere too.

I mean . . . did it really look like one before? It’s an Azeroth cheetah, ya know the same land where most lions have saber teeth and every elk has megaloceros antlers . . . also raptor rhino and unicorn horns.


The original Cheetah was still more Cheetah than this wannabe kitten-Cheetah


While I want to agree with you, they never did implement that new warp stalker model.

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yeah… I mean I see what they were going for but its… Uhm… I don’t know man. Its my favorite animal and I’m not sure I’d call that a cheetah…

But I’ll take it.


Maybe it will be a new form. Some people like the old one.

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Hmm. Like old cheetah form better.

Maybe they will let me continue to glyph the old form?


I think since the old one is a glyph this one will probably be so as well.

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Not a fan of it. And it probably cost someone their heritage armor set lol.

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Time for an eye test, old one is a polygon leopard.

This one at least has the necessary mohawk, mostly.

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I would like it more as a mount.

I think if the mohawky bit was a little lighter I’d like it a bit more.

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Game: Glyph of the Cheetah
Froufroukin: TiMe FoR aN eYe TeSt

Looked literally nothing like a real cheetah.

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