New Campaign Quest "Into the flame" bugged

I just did this quest and when I went into the cave I made the mistake to underestimate the mobs that were around and also pulled the boss.
After I died, the boss was stuck on me and was not attackable. I abandoned the quest and took it again. The boss “Drust Behemoth” did not want to leave my side while still evading.
FIX for anyone looking:
The only way to get this quest done was grouping up with someone else.


yep, currently stuck on this


Same issue, tried abandoning the quest now the Behemoth is not there. I tried logging out and abandoning quest, same issue.

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I was stuck as well. I did everything, including going from war mode to non wm, still bugged, but it worked fine after I swapped back to wm, how I had originally started it.

What worked for me was abandoning the quest, hearthing to oribos and coming back


I tried all the above the results were the same only I dont have the fetish item

I am also now stuck on this… He follows me all the way to the door and even outside before he disappears… Then, when I go back in to see if its reset, he’s there waiting for me. Tried reloading, relogging… I don’t know what to do! I cant move forward in the Covenant quest if I cant kill him

Also stuck on this !

This is bugged for me. Went there died, came back and Drust Behemoth is not there. Please fix ASAP. Can’t progress.

This is still broken.

Happened to me today. It’s pretty annoying.

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This worked for me. Portal to Oribos, Portal to Boralus and restarted the quest.

bugged for me too. Surprised this hasn’t been fixed yet

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So any luck on blizzard helping us playing their game ?

i can confirm that after almost a month and a half that this bug still exists

quest is still bugged

yes i died when first hit by boss now he is evading im stuck on this dumb quest blizzard fix ur sh1t

This quest is still bugged as of 2/1/2021

The only way I was able to complete this quest was to abandon the quest, go back to Ulfar and re-acquire the quest. Then when I went back I was able to kill the behemoth. You have to do it in one swoop without dying, or it buggs out.

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Still bugged