New Book gets lore wrong? Blood Elves weren't addicted to fel

Where the heck are you getting this? WC3 showed Arthas resurrecting Kel’thuzad and corrupting the Sunwell, along with the WoW mangas. The Blood Elves were addicted to it until, yes, Kil’Jaden was defeated and the Sunwell “rekindled” (ie: CLEANSED) by the Naaru.

Wowwiki isn’t a source. Stop using it. Use wowpedia instead where there’s actually moderation and quality control and fact checking.


Which was itself a reference to Rhiannon from Welsh Mythology

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I’m gonna pretend she’s talking about the sunfury, who have been reabsorbed into blood elf society.


It’s literally shown in the blood elf heritage armor quest.

After Kel’thuzad was resurrected as a lich, the sunwell was tainted by necrotic energies. If the sunwell had remained intact as it was, the effects on the people would have been horrific. So Kael’thas decided that the sunwell needed to be destroyed.

After they blew it up, they were then slapped with that unforseen consequence of magical addiction.

Meanwhile, Korialstrasz managed to gather the dispersed energies of the sunwell, purify it, and coalesced it into the innocuous form of a human girl, Anveena Teague. So that it would be safely hidden while it grew in strength.

At the time of the sunwell raid, the burning legion found Anveena, and used her to reignite the sunwell so they could twist the sunwell into a portal for the legion to enter through like they did with the well of eternity 10,000 years ago.

Near the end of the fight, Anveena regained her senses, and turned the sunwell’s energy against Kil’jaeden, and forced him back through the portal.

Then Velen slid in with the naaru heart and was like “here you go kids, go nuts.”


Worgen tails disagree. And Calia, but that’s just a pet peeve.

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HEY no one really remembers what my sisters and I once did! And that’s how we want it!

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Blood elves were addicted to fel, some took so much fel they became fel elves, then you got the wretched Wich are elves that OD on fell, not to mention the fel crystal hookas laying around silvermoon.

Are people just trolling at this point with the “fel crystal hookahs”? That’s not even a thing.


It is a magical city with plenty of magical constructs. Also mostly they were powering the magical defenses.


Like I said, it is an incorrect piece of lore that certain people keep repeating. Even when pointed out that they are wrong they argue about it.

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So you were mistaken on the crystals…doesn’t that clue you in that you’ve got some learning to do before making assumptions?

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Haters are gonna hate.

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And that learning is that Illidan taught Kaelthas how to use demonic energies, but normal blood elves did not learn this and would have been horrified by this knowledge.


YUP. Agree 100% with OP. Its ret-con again. And plain negligence. I know everyone wants to grant every excuse and say, “oh there’s so much lore they can’t always keep it right.” I’m sorry, but they can at least TRY. Just a little attention is required to keep most of it straight. We love this universe but some of the writers just do what they want with no concern or regard for that lore, like Christie Golden. This whimsical changing of fundamentals, this disney crap, has to go! Its not too much to ask for decades of $15/mnth that the writers care about the lore. Look at Kael’thas. He went from a shy prince who endured racism, the loss of his father, the loss of almost all his people, to going bonkers the moment he stepped in outland because they wanted to force that story out of nowhere, and then he changed again into a pompous brat in shadowlands. In shadowlands if you go with the covenant that holds his new story line, you sit there and define his sins. You define that greed is not his sin but that wrath is. But then you read his sinstone and it says greed is one of his sins. The writing is sloppy and they retconned Carl TWICE. This is bad writing. Its aggravating. Its sloppy. Just like illdian was this big bag guy who had a whole wing of concubines, and carl was “bad” for first siding with him, suddenly illidan was a hero and we spent an entire exspansion being scolded by a holy being for having hate in our hearts toward him. He smashes a naaru and the high priest barely bats an eye. I would like for the writers to be required to care about the lore and stop utterly changing our favorite heroes entire motivations and personalities on a whim. Lady vashj gets to have fun in maldraxxus while Kael, the shy prince from warcraft 3 who endured racist Garithos and fought the lich king over and over, becomes a snobby brat who gets spanked for eternity… He doesn’t even get to incinerate KelThuzad, as if he had no right to be upset about the 90% of his people killed? WoW didn’t even mention the dozens of times he and Arthas went head to head. The Felo’melorn artifact book speaks of Kael as a hero, then there is a huge jump where it just stops mentioning him. It may seem like simple things that don’t matter if you don’t particularly like that hero but story is one of the biggest driving forces of a game like this, and once they retcon too much people will feel disconnected and have less reason to be invested. The new starter island for one takes out that huge helping of lore you get with the race you chose. New people wont have as much to connect with. Fix this, Blizz. Use writers that care. Make them study the lore and use your artistic liscence to repair some of this stuff. Thank you for bringing Kael back, could you do him a shred of dignity and justice please??? Or is he really just here to suffer and be made a joke of? Since you left so much of his actual lore out and retconned him twice? Please? As for the eyes, agree there too. Aren’t the natural belf eyes blue when they are mana sated, white when they are in balance, green when they have been effected by the fel. In some cases now purple if they have been touched by void energy? (If i didn’t have headcannon that Carl made a humunculous of himself to leave in WoW while he peaced out to DOTA2 as the Invoker, i would’ve hurt myself by now. Seriously this kills me. :frowning: )

True, back when Kael was actually Kael and he was hesitant to trust illidan, he took the risk for the sake of trying to find a solution for his people. Once the belfs at home found out they were horrified that Kael allied with a “monster” like Illidan. Even though now they are completely fine with Illidari belfs… the writing is killing my soul. :frowning:

Fel Magic involves sucking the life out of any and all creatures, not necessarily demons. It’s effectively aetheric vampiricism, just of a form that works first by spiking that aether’s tendency towards (a specific slant of) chaos (which is apparently somehow quite separate from that of Void).

A suddenly withered forest is a sign of fel. A dried out husk of a creature is a sign of fel. A creature that has secreted its organs through its pores… also a sign of fel. It isn’t all green flames, red, orange, or green skin, or barrel-chested boasts, laughter, or cheesy lines.

The way I think of it is that by the time an individual starts changing colors, growing horns, etc, they’ve sucked up a lot of life energy from other beings. Dabblers won’t see huge changes.

Same. Though I wouldn’t call eyes turning fel-green a huge change anyways.

And even the tBC cinematic makes that relationship pretty damn clear, just like Kael’s own change from silver-grey eyes to fiery green.

Golden got it wrong. But initially Belves did suck fel then they retconned that. So they either are retconning it back to give them back some of their edge, or she didn’t do the research on the story well enough.

And sometimes books are their own canon too.