New Book gets lore wrong? Blood Elves weren't addicted to fel

To be fair, the Shen’dralar took precautions and “purified” the magic.

It wasn’t demon blood that turned the orcs skin green. It was proximity to massive amounts of fel energy in Hell Fire Citadel. Durator mentioned that the orcs skin was turning splotchy green before the conclave. Also he and his Frostwolves never drank the blood.


so… how come the alt-draenor orcs are’nt green? frikkin mannoroth’s blood was spilled ALLLL over tanaan jungle, that’s a massive amount of fel-energy, why are they still pure?

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i was under the impression the vast majority of orcs did drink the blood


Magic be that way sometimes.

Seriously though, there’s a lot of places where fel radiation should be making a lot of minor changes.


Its well known across the years blood elves were fel-addicted, look at post lore stuff and the green eyes you all used to have.

You would have to ask Blizzard. Most likely because the horde in MU were based in Hellfire while the orcs in AU were not based in Tanaan. Also Tanaan was still a lush jungle so the fel was not strong enough to consume all life in AU.


It is a well know incorrect piece of lore that a certain group here keeps repeating.


Having had to recently change my own understanding of the matter, by looking through old lore, this is incorrect.

The blood elves eyes changed to green due to fel radiation.


Wrong, silvermoon has tons of green fel crystals all over…yeah they were addicted till saved.

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Used to power the city. Not to feed.


power what in the city? the vast amount of electronics they got going? the brooms? maybe some of those floating places? c’mon man… blood elves were addicted to fel magic (the magic part, not the fel part)

I’ve also learned that the artists used green for the crystals whether they were intended to be fel or not.

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Have you seen bloodelfland? Floating everything, robots strolling around, probably defenses of some kind, what don’t they use power for in the city? Lights even!


The Burning Crystals are crystals found on Sunstrider Isle, to the west of the Sunspire in Eversong Woods. They have long been used to power the isle’s experimentations. The mana wyrms were their guardians, until the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas drove them errant from the blood elves’ lack of magical control over them.[1]

The unchecked power of the Burning Crystals negatively influenced the isle’s wildlife population and natural balance. For example, the nearby lynxes succumbed to the influence of the crystals, prompting the blood elves to put them down.[2] The blood elves at the Sunspire will continue trying to rein in the Burning Crystals.[3]


guess that explains the crystals. i still say we’ve been addicted to fel for a long time, otherwise, what is kael’thas doing in this clip?

he’s sucking the magic outta that demon… the fel-taint in it makes it fel-magic (not very fel-y, but still fel magic).

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your a demon-hunter, you burned out your eyes.

My what is a demon hunter?

your character is a demon-hunter.