New Blood Elf Customization

It does not in any way ‘put and end’ to the high elf ‘nonsense’.

Giving blue eyes to blood elves makes them blood elves with blue eyes. They are the same species, but there’s a reason why they’re called the Sin’Dorei and the high elves are called the Quel’dorei.

It’s very much like the difference between blood elves and void elves. Same species, different flavour.

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40 options isn’t really all that many when you sit down and think about it.

Let’s say they add 5 new hairstyles for each gender. Well, you’re already at 10 new customization options.

Maybe 5 new jewelry and beards, well, that’s another 10, half the customizations are exhausted just by that alone.

If tattoos are a thing, that’s maybe another 5, and if you toss in customization for dark rangers, there goes another 5. If tattoos are gender specific, well, that’s 10.

Then there’s always the potential for new skin tones, and finally, eye colors. Blue could be included, but the way the developers answered the question on day one with Mr.GM, I really don’t think that is currently on the table. Still, they’re working on blood elves right now, so who knows?

They also said separating faces and eye colors…

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Well yeah, I would imagine part of a dark ranger customization would be red eyes. We’d probably also see purple. Orange, might be a neat option too. Maybe we’ll see different kinds of intensity of the eye glow. I mean, look at demon hunters. Their eyes (the ones who have eyes) glow way more intensely than other blood elves.

I personally want fel blue, red, orange, purple and pink eyes. Maybe like a grey or something. Blood elf beards, short hair styles. I would like dark ranger skin tones as well. San’layn but I would prefer that as an allied race, but if there customization was good enough and a new heritage armor I wouldn’t mind.

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It could also be that they are working on over 40 right now and it isn’t a complete number. Like I doubt they are working on everyone equally at once.

Maybe. We won’t know what’s coming until we get a look at beta, or until the alpha footage is leaked. Just seems to me that the way the question was answered on the first day when Mr.GM asked about blue eyes, that it wasn’t one of the options on the table. Still, we’ll see.

They said it wasn’t on the table? I must have missed that.

It wasn’t a hard no, but they didn’t say, “yes,” is the thing. They kind of shook their heads and went, “we’re still looking at all options.”

That doesn’t sound like a no at all. Just saw the clip. I also didn’t see him shake his head no.

The guy on the left definitely shook his head.

We must be watching 2 different videos. Neither shakes their head. They look at each other as if thinking “should we tell them now??.” It seems like they want to reveal it maybe in a deeper blue post later with lore explanations.

Or we each see what we want to see. I mean, there isn’t really a reason to keep it a secret at this point if it’s being added.

It’s called spreading out information. If they showed everything today. We would have a year of sitting around with no new information.

Yet, there was no problem in going, “Oh yeah, we’re going to give draenei options for longer tails and more crystal jewelry and stuff.”

I don’t think saying, “Yeah, we’re adding blue eyes to blood elves, its long overdue,” would’ve been that different.

We also didn’t see gnomes, dranei, night elves, orcs, and tauren. If you asked them if tauren could get taunka customization they would have said the same thing, “We are looking at all options.”

If Taunka were on the table, I’d have expected a simple, “Oh, yeah, that’s long over-due. Yaungol too.”

Just getting blue eyes dont make Sin’dorei a Quel’dorei just to let you know, Sin’dorei gave that title up along time ago by choice, you might look like one but politically your not one. The Only True Quel’dorei politically are still with Alliance or support the Alliance and Dont like Horde. Sin’dorei share a kinship with Quel’dorei but that’s about it at this stage of the game folks.


Blood elves are more than fine customization-wise, I mean, we Kaldorei males can’t even have eyebrows without beards and we still have one of the worst models in general.

Blood Elves are High Elves. Blood Elf customization has nothing to do with what you are trying to make it to. It is just that, extra choices for Blood Elf players to express their elf as, and nothing else.