New Blizzard MMO



I don’t see it happening. Maybe Warcraft 4, but I have no faith in a new WoW game made by the current Blizz staff doing any better than SWTOR.

If BFA hasn’t cured your addiction, that’s pretty hardcore. Seek professional help.

It would take a huge franchise, like a pokemon mmo to overtake wow but it still wouldnt kill it completely.

Where are you hearing them?

Friends? Wishers?

Give me a credible source or stop baiting.

You’re hearing rumors that people are pulling out of their bums.

People have been saying the same thing since Cataclysm.

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Just reel them in with that bait! :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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If you play classic, then your sub is paying for retail WOW content, not classic expansions. LMAO!

Are you expecting a classic 8.4 anytime soon? LMAO.

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The rumours are true, only WoW can kill WoW and Classic is coming, we have all been bind, Blizzard are going to kill their own game with their own game.

BFA has pushed my playtime from over 40 hours a week to about 3-4. Do they have professional help for softcore game addiction? LOL

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I love, love, love Schitt’s Creek LOL.

First show I’ve seen in a long time where the costume design and set decoration get laughs on their own, without any words being spoken.

Plus the blue theme is really cool. Clothing, eyes, paint, tiny details in the background. That deep aqua thing they have going on is great.

Don’t get me started on the acting and the writing. Excellent to say the least!

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Wrath was supposed to be the last expansion
than cata was
followed by mop
and wod
Legion was 100% last expansion
and now bfa is the last expansion

notice a trend here
also every expansion on my list was the worst thing ever released the devs ran out of ideas and the game died

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Im glad to see there are more fans! :slight_smile:

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When BC came out, I was convinced and was telling everyone that Burning Crusade was going to be the last expansion.
Boy was I wrong.

Blizzard is incredibly unlikely to make another MMO in the foreseeable future. They have an interview questioning if they really want to be known as “The MMO Company” from back when they canceled Titan, WoW is in decline despite constant updates from them, and the general market moved on from the MMORPG craze like 5 years ago.

I left the game awhile back, and with what Blizzard has done to it. I would never buy another product from them.

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I do NOT want to even imagine a new mmorpg made by WOW’s current dev team and leader after the fiasco known as BfA and all of their very bad decisions.


I do think they will try to end the Azeroth saga in an elegant way, and that would require at least one more expac if not 2-3.

I think Blizzard is stupid to not make a new MMO out of Overwatch. The lore is halfway built for them.

they’d likely do like they have historically done with every other game, or as other MMOs with a part two have done… officially announce a sequel.

They have no reason to leak and have a rumor float around, when historically they have announced upcoming new titles in a franchise sometimes over a year or two in advance, and other MMOs do the same as well (i.e. Guild Wars, Final Fantasy, etc).

Also I am sure if Blizzard was planning to end WoW and replace it with a WoW 2, they’d have the story seek to end with tying up loose ends or end it with a cliffhanger… also with Activision in the picture, you can bet your wallet that they would attempt to cash in as much as possible, such as making available on the cashshop, long gone or past exclusive mounts/pets or ones that were never made available to players, or offer a collector pack which unlock all mounts, pets or whatever for top dollar.