New Blizzard MMO

The only people who can change or kill wow is blizzard itself. in saying that a new MMO could help them however it could just bring the same problems as wow has faced in its 14+ years of being active.

Wouldn’t play it if they did. Trying to break the wow addiction. No way am I going to start another one. Worse than drugs, not to mention the social issues it has created.

It takes the old saying of “the only thing that can kill WoW, is WoW itself” hilariously literal.


You don’t send out surveys about a major structural change like a level squish unless you see a long future ahead for the game.

i think this FUD can be dimissed with prejudice.

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I do not think so, they’ll go with everything in this blizzcon with Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4. (and possibly the 8.3 trailer, where they announce the new allied races and the end of the expansion)


Blizzard had a new MMO in the works back in Wotlk, however, after years of development they decided the game was fun and they actually didn’t know how to make a good MMO so that was cancelled a couple of years ago and turned into Overwatch.

As much substance as a fart in the wind.

Console expansion, cross platform - level squish and pruning are obvious signs. More abilities will be going soon if I had a bet as well.


It won’t and it never could.

Did you say them to yourself?

No seriously did you tell yourself this stuff?


Well, there was some kind of MMO in the works. Titan or whatever. but it got scrapped? Am i remembering that correctly?

Yup. Became Overwatch.

Become infused with classic very likely.

thire are talk of a Warcraft 4 in the maken will sea and maby a starcraft 3

as much substance as there is content in BfA

Can’t fish without bait.

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there are already files for next expansion bfa isnt the last

Nope. MMORPGS are over.

They even took Titan, which was going to be one if I recall, then turned it into Overwatch instead.

Yeah, this is not the LAST expansion since they are talking about doing a level squish. If they did that, it would be a “next expansion” thing; It would not happen during BFA (or it might happen at the VERY end, for the next expansion, like the ilevel squish did.)

Even the MMORPG master company thinks they are over, so they’ll just keep pumping out Wow expansions until they no longer make any money.

Don’t believe random things anyone posts on the Internet. Anyone can post anything.