New Anduin Cinematic

She got her closure when she saw Arthas crying like a little baby in the Maw. Then she escaped after making a pact with the Valkyr who would take her place. She also got to see him be turned into a sword and used Arthas to turn Anduin into a puppet. Then she got to talk crap to the spent ashes of Arthas who ceased to exist in front of her.

Arthas never got these multiple second chances, like Sylvanas. And there’s no chance in heck that the Night Elves will see half the punishments Sylvanas deserves. They’ll have to settle for Sylvanas feeling sad while she goes off to look for her equally evil boyfriend.


I’d love to hear how you justify the aftermath of Sylvanas’ suicide as her getting closure because she ended up in wow hell and got to see her abuser (who she was now going to spend eternity with) crying.


Can I cringe now or should I wait? :wolf:

But Uther and Jaina had closure in my opinion. Slyvanas didn’t really. Uther knows all the things he did and understands Arthas etc. Jaina also has forgiven herself for leaving Arthas and him turning etc. back in BFA. Sylvanas is the only one that didn’t have much closure and I think she does now.


She saw the crying baby arthas after committing suicide.

When Arthas died Sylvanas’ only reason for unliving died with him, until Cataclysm Sylvanas despised being undead, she called it a curse and lamented her situation. All she wanted to do was get revenge.

When Arthas was gone… well she just wanted to finish it all and have her peace of death like she originally wanted.
The odd behavior begins from Cata where Sylvanas seems to have fully embraced making people into undead and goes on a killing and raising spree. And we saw how this got concluded in Shadowlands.


Ironically, the issue of Sylvanas closure/revenege against Arthas and Tyrande’s closure against Sylvanas have a similar problem. There are a lot of people who want such closure, and only one can get it.

Tyrande’s story arc was a resolution with her accepting that putting her personal desire for vengeance above all else was wrong. I would say that Sylvanas got over not being the one to get vengeance after her suicide attempt. Though retconning has left that as “who can say”. In any case, in the Andean cinematic she clearly has accepted that it is over.

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…Tyrande, accompanied by only a single pack llama, climbs up the lush, steepled jungled mountainside, passing through clouds like fog banks. From a chunk of broken, mist-drenched rock, a chinchilla peeked out at her as she passed. Too far out, as it happened- a great condor swooped down, grasped it in it’s talons, and flew off. Shading her eyes with her hand, the High Priestess scanned upslope, seeking her goal, but the mists thickly swept across the area above still. She grimaced and continued…

Crossing over a gaping chasm via an ancient half-rotted rope bridge, she sensed something- some empheral hint that she was close to what she sought. It was like eyes were upon her- not living eyes, nor undead, nor spiritual- the eyes of the land itself, the eyes of history. The pack llama started suddenly, trying to turn away, pulling it’s reins almost out of her hands. At that very moment, the cloud ahead blew apart, revealing stone set in piles, set in straight lines not found in nature. Tyrande gasped, stood straighter, scarcely daring to believe for an instant-but there it was! There is finally was!

…Machu Picchu!


Agreed 100%.

Several of the named Ebon Blade NPCs hail from Lordaeron. Darion himself is originally from Brill; it would have been easy to play up that connection and use it to build tension when he wants to stick to neutrality. How many of his old childhood neighbors and acquaintances became Forsaken, I wonder? What happened to the ruins that used to be the Mograine family home on the edge of town after Renault razed it? Did the Forsaken reclaim it and build on top of it? In regards to current Forsaken leadership, what’s his opinion of Lilian Voss, considering that they both have family connections to Scarlet Crusade leaders, and that Lilian helped kill Whitemane? I figure that they’re probably fairly close in age, so if I wanted to explore the dynamic between the Forsaken and the Ebon Blade at this point, I’d want to play with those similarities.


inb4 shippers are gonna ship.


Never underestimate shippers.


I would never underestimate shippers! I personally don’t ship them, unless you count acquaintanceship, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any fic or fan art that involved the two of them interacting. Come to think of it, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Lilian shipped with anyone, although I’m sure that exists. There’s a few ships out there for Darion that I’ve seen, though, which isn’t surprising considering he’s basically an anime protagonist.

Someone’s probably already had that idea.

Wasn’t at one point the scourge was going to be a faction in WoW but they scrapped that