New allied race?

I will be swapping completely to whichever faction doesn’t get the race that reduces the worgen skeleton to a lame animal-person that will inevitably get a tail whereas worgen don’t and probably way more customization options and also look more like the animal they are related to. So I hope they join the Horde if Blizzard adds anything like that, although then my various Horde 120s will be sad.

I really don’t want to see a worgen-skeleton allied race cheapen the worgen immensely by equating them to animal-people instead of letting their skeleton be unique to werewolves.

In fact, I don’t want to see anymore allied races. I want to see a new race. A full, actualized race added to the core races. Like, I dunno… naga.

I am pretty sure all of the playable races have trash mobs you kill for pointless loot.


Yeah it seems hopeful. But as you can see each time a new race or allied race is added to either one of the factions. The other faction must get it to. Like in the Burning Crusade they added Draenei for alliance and blood elves for horde. So if snake guys do come up. Blizzard have to either make it neutral like Pandarens or get another allied race so both factions have a equal amount. So what’s the other race?

The clue is we must first see if Sethrak will be horde or alliance. Then the other allied race will be in the OPPOSITE faction of which snakies just came in.

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Either Ethereal’s or Kobold’s

Sethrak and Saurok (Alliance and Horde respectively) would mesh well. Both use the worgen model and would both be reptiles, and both be without dimorphism between male and female.

If Sethrak went Horde then… Well… My personal want would be Wildhammer to be done right, but since thats unlikely, perhaps Arrakoa?

If Sethrak go Choose Your Own Adventure like Pandaren then I’d pair them with Ankoan Jinyu and Kelfin Gilgoblins. :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh I did not even realize they used worsen models. Facepalm
Pretty much everything you said lives in water. Ankoan would be nice! :fish:

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No more damned allied races. Just races that we can play when or if we wish to.

Blizzard is likely to keep them simpler to acquire the next time we see them. More story unlocks and less grinds for no reason. At least thats my hope, and partially based on their clear interest in listening to their player base a little more of late.


My vote :smiley:


That’s a good thing. If I ever wanna unlock a new race or something I do not need waste my time getting rep like I’m doing for Void elves in the future.

EDIT: I think the rep thing is stupid. But might make sense.

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Its really a hope I think. But I feel its supported by their interest in listening these days.


They need to pump the brakes on Allied Races until they can give the first wave of ARs another pass with tweaks, improvements, customization options - they sorely need them.


Well some races will get more customization options but mostly or void elves.

mantid and arakkoa (either faction). but since that’s unrealistic, mogu (horde) and steamwheedle-goblins (alliance)… still unrealistic, but LESS unrealistic!


I don’t really like mantids in general cause once a mantis actually attacked my leg and I freaked out. But the other 2 options is good.

If we merge all the races that should have just been customization options all we are left with is the Zandalari, Nightborne and Vulpera.

In fact, it seems they are owing the Alliance 3 more races.

Eh? You got me confused there.

i LOVED the klaxxi. one of the most interesting factions imo, makes me really wanna play as a mantid.

the arakkoa i love cause… well, i wanna play a little-old birdman.

mogu are just cause they use the draenei skeleton, and i’d love for’em to be on the horde (plus, it’d make horde-council meetings REALLY funny… and super awkward for ji)

and steamwheedle goblins… i’m gonna be frank, i want to see goblins all-over goldshire. a den of sin and golddiggers, full of a race of ACTUAL golddiggers!

…and i should’ve added draenei-broken to the list. i wanna make my own akama dangit!

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The broken. Gold digger goblin guys and mogus sound AWESOME. But still no mantids. Remembers the creepy mantis

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