You claim to have no interest, and immediately state your interest in RPing them?
Interesting take on what interests you.
Correct me if I’m wrong but so far the Allied Races seem to be matched up with the Original Races as such…
For Horde
Orcs > Mag’har
Tauren > Highmountain
Troll > Zandalari
Blood Elf > Nightborne
Goblin > Vulpera
For Alliance
Human > Kul Tiran
Dwarf > Dark Iron
Night Elf > Void Elf
Gnome > Mechagnome
Draenei > Lightforged
Which means the next 2 Allied Races will have to be sub races of the Undead & Worgen.
I’ll rephrase for you. I have no interest in them as a player race. I do like my RP dragon but I have no interest in taking that to any other level.
I’m much more interested in a race like the Sethrak, or finally getting the races that have already joined the Horde and Alliance but are not yet playable.
Sethrak are the worgen model (female one anyways) …
Yes that is a possibility. Though Sethrak are tied to this BfA expansion & the new Allied Races will be coming in Shadowlands & therefore be more likely connected to the new expansion in some way.
Which is a poor idea. Blizzard really needs to finish adding the races in the two factions before they add nonsensical ones.
And Sethrak. They should add Sethrak. I’m not biased. Lol
Ya it’s hard to say what Blizz will come up with for the next new races. They’ve been hit or miss so far. I believe it will be sub races for Undead & Worgen & will be chosen from races involved in the new Shadowlands zones. I’m not saying it will be better than Sethrak or Arakkoa or any of the idea’s here. Just that we can narrow down the likely possibilities.
K’thir and Saberon, then? K’thir join because they’re somehow linked with Void Elves, and Saberon join because why not?
Saurok or Sethrak are my worgen AR picks.
Sethrak for sure!
Just give us snake people, please. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.
Give them to the Horde! Or Alliance. I do not care. I like both Factions.
They could incorporate any of these races into the Shadowlands lore. Matching Snake people up with Werewolf people does seem fitting. It could also be Swolekin who are added as a sub for Worgen & Venthyr for Undead. Any of the Covenant races could easily be added, though it might be strange to have any of them Faction aligned since both Horde & Alliance can join the Covenants.
And they’re dead… I don’t like the idea because they really have no stake in the living world in a way that would give them a good reason to join one faction over another.
Frostborn Dwarves.
And I’ve mentioned it before, between their loa and her symbolism, they’re well fitting for Shadowlands. Particularly Ardenweald.
Snakes symbolize change, rebirth and healing.
That is a good point.
We haven’t seen all the races, new or old, that will show up in Shadowlands. It will be at least a patch or 2 into the expansion before the new races are implemented. We can only guess which races will most likely fit into the new zones & be likely to be made playable.
Which is fair. There are clearly some mysteries and of course at least three major content patches along the way that could change everything for all we know.
I really like this though:
Sethrak are still on the table for those of us hopeful for them.
The oldest race, in terms of when you encounter them, for nearly every starting area, is Murloc.
I want playable Murlocs.
Sylvar and Ven’thyr
Or Sethrak and Kelfin
/waves her idea around VERY enthusiastically
Snakes for Shadowlands!
At first I thought Allied races were okay but now I realize they are just trash to get people to constantly by race changes. The race is added kind of suck and don’t add anything to the game I would rather see a real race added like ogres. We’re getting stupid races now that are inferior to the more Superior races like vulpera for example and I’ve seen people post that they want random Wildlife like macura it’s just getting out of hand and ridiculous. Fantasy games are cooler when you are the most powerful and best races that have the most impact and you play one of those characters not some garbage NPC character that you would farm for meat