yea and btw. I am not saying Sanlayn or High Elves are bad by any means. Just that they didn’t come to mind when people talked about playable races prior to the forums. the playable races that did come to mind as commonly asked for were ogres and naga in particular. These are two races that even someone who hasn’t visited the forums would know have been long requested.
There’s four races I want. With my hope being for them all to be Neutral Allied Races:
- The Kyrian
- The Chosen of the Necrolords
- The Venthyr
- The Sylvar of the Night Fae
And before anyone gives me the “They’re bound to the Shadowlands!” argument, I’ve got some bad news.
Spoiler alert, but Mawsworn Kyrian are described by Bolvar Fordragon in the Shadowlands intro to have left the Maw, ventured into Azeroth, and abducted the key leaders of the Horde and Alliance. Therefore, we know for sure they are able to leave. To add on, the Archon of Bastion hints towards the Kyrian allying themselves fully with mortals in the Spires of Ascension Dungeon.
Now, before someone also says "Blizzard said they’ll never do another neutral race! Well, the truth is that the one who said that was Ghostcrawler, the old WoW Game Director who left after Mists of Pandaria. He’s been gone for 7 years. He has no influence over any decisions the WoW team makes now.
I think Jinyu/Ankoan for Alliance and Mogu for Horde would’ve been a good pair to fill the “something to retain people in the gap between 8.3 and 9.0” gap.
None. I want a new class.
Getting new races and getting new classes don’t counteract each other. You can get both.
I want 5 new classes. HAHA! They counteract each other now! lol
man just slide them into orc customisation- otherwise we’ll end up with ANOTHER maghar situation
Eh, they’re all boring, though. No staying power. No history. Narrow concepts. People are just riding the hype train.
Nothing wrong with Mag’har. At all.
Brown orcs are awesome, but they shouldn’t have been their own allied race, should have rolled them into orc customisation, now we’ve got two awesome sets of options for essentially the same race split across.
Like blood elves and void elves are sharing skin tones and eye colours, you’d think it would be easier to let orcs have the maghar stuff as well
If they’re culturally distinct, it’s fun to have an Allied Race. Reskins with a little story, a tabard, cool new set, racials and a mount? Perfect!
That is the intent of the system, after all, as originally pitched - to make use of existing assets to give a different spin on something that already exists. Vulpera was the exception rather than the rule.
Things that require more work, like Ogres and Naga? Make them core. But the Allied Races? Being a jazzed up knock-off is kind of their thing, and I’m fine with that.
It gives us access to options that wouldn’t make much sense if you just rolled the customization option into an existing race. That Wildhammer options were rolled into the core dwarf, while I’m happy that they’re playable at all, is a travesty when you consider what could have been.
People want them primarily because they share their aesthetics with the long-coveted Forsaken Dark Rangers, while being an entire subrace instead of what amounts to a class skin exclusively for Blood Elf MM Hunters.
Dark Rangers are an odd one. Too narrow a fantasy to make a race out of, but giving the customization options to a race would make them too broad.
There’s a ton of options, and I feel like I’ve seen AR threads a lot. Nonetheless I will take part in this frivolous hypothetical discourse:
Jinyu: Imagine the starting pets for Hunter, literal fish in water bubbles
Vrykul for Horde: Alliance has enough humans
Tortollan: DH fits there demeanor
Night Fae: Furry Draenei
Kyrian: Since they are just humans in the afterlife, they should be a customization option for humans (without wings of course)
Necrolords: For those wishing to look like Overlord
Venthyr: gargoyles
You forgot vulpera, you monster!
Anyways, I still want to see the broken draenei as a playable race, and things like gilgoblins would be fun too
“No history”
Well duh. You haven’t played the expansion yet so you don’t know their story. But in the case of Kyrian they’ve been around for 15 years.
This is complete bull.
I get it. You want Ogres or whatever. But guess what? If people are on the hype train for that race, it is far more likely for it to happen than Ogres for instance.
Ion has even slipped up on some occasions and actually hinted at the Covenant Races. One of which being in an interview where he was asked a really broad question: “Any new Allied Races?” And he jumped straight to talking about Covenant Races.
Ya know. I do a lot of mythic+ and raiding. I’ve had about 3-4 vulpera /flirt with me this week. Its always been flattering.
-Gnomest alt.
Arakkoa would be wicked & would be easy for Blizz to implement since they’ve already designed armor to fit them on the Garrison followers.
Shut up not-high-elf.
Ok generic knock off human
Also, I’d agree void elves are just reskinned blood elves. The only reason we became a new race is because we changed factions. If we were horde, we could just be customization options