New Allied Race Idea's

Hello, i’m starting this to get some idea’s out there about possible new allied races. Also some of them wouldn’t work for Alliance or horde so i’ll give my ideas about cross faction allied races as well. Thank you for your time. Please enjoy.

List of Allied Race idea’s"
1.) Man’ari
2.) Undead Night Elves
3/) Lightforged forsaken
4/) Dryad’s
5.) Banshee’s
6.) Abominations
7.) San’layn
8.) Frost Elves
9.) Vrykul
10.) Half-orc-half-dreanei
11.) Grim Totem Tauren
12.) Eredar

Now that we have the list allow me to discuss further. 1.) The Man’ari are the side of the eredar race that allied with the burning legion upon using fel magic there skin turnned red. ( great transmog’s in my opinion. ) 10,000 worlds of the burning legions great dark I wouldn’t be surprised if there was 1 world with a group of man’ari that would either be seeking redemption or at least a way to ally with the forces of Azeroth since they defeated Sargaras. However the alliance may or may not forgive them so they would have to look for the horde. ( however they forgave the dark iron dwarves right?) So i’ll puut them as a Cross-Faction possibility or CF for short.
2.) When Sylvanas was in charge of the horde she raised several night elves as undead. this one is tricky to place because they could be viewed as night elves or forsaken.
3.) I’m not crazy about the idea of lightforged forsaken but if the Man’ari join the horde then they could be a good option for the Alliance. Calia menethil is a light forged forsaken so I expect the race would look similar to her. (for those that didn’t know)
4.) Dryad’s have long since been allies witht he night elves or at least the druids. But they would probably be hunted while the horde controls the night elves former lands which may give them motivation to pick a side.
5.) The Banshee’s could be dual formed like the worgen have a human form and a warewolf form. A ghost Banshee form (like in the old warcraft 3 game) and a more solid form like sylvanas. They could be considered an allied race to the forsaken.
6.) I personally would love abominations. If you die maybe your body falls to pieces? hahaha. They would be an allied race to the forsaken. it would be a large race option, LRO.
7.) Im not familiar with much of the San’layn’s lore but Sylvanas did resurrect one of their leaders? Then the Allianced killed him. Maybe its worth looking into them again? and possibly bringing back blood magic? Would have to be a horde only option just like the dryads would be a alliance only option.
8.) I’ve always loved elves in all shapes and forms, can’t get enough of them. Rarely do games put Frost/Snow elves in games. Maybe there is a small sect of them north of Northrend and they are tired but being on their own? Something simliar to the nightborne?
9.) Odyn’s Vrykul would be another allied race to humans. However seem to be like Azeroths ancestral humans and they are more similar to orcs from my point of view. CF.
10.) Back in the Dreanor expansion there was an orc who said he was the last of his kind and that he was a half orc and half dreanei. I don’t remember his name i think it started with an L? Anyway once faction could go back in time like they did for the mag/har orcs and save them by bringing them to Azeroth. But since they have the blood of both factions, CF.
11.) The Grimtotem tauren have been at odds with the tauren for a long time. They could make amends or join the alliance? CF.
12.) I first thought the Eredar were the Dreanei. Then I remembered that back in warcraft 3 there were purple skinned eredar on the outlands maps. Dreanei are light blessed turned them blue? Man’ari are Sargaras blessed turned them red? Maybe the original race was purple? they could be found on a large floating island long lost from Outlands?

I’m not saying I want all of these to be entered into game. And at first glance they seem to favor one side of the conflict. But if you take into account cross faction possibilities it is more even.

 Alliance                                                        Horde
 Dryad                                                             Abominations
 Undead Night Elves                                     San'layn
 Lightforged forsaken                                 Banshee's
 Man'ari       (Interchangeable these 2)     Grimtotem
 Frost Elves                (changeable)        Half Orcs ( thinking of names Oreanei? Dreaocs?)
 Vrykul                  (changeable)                    Eredar

If you made it this far thank you very much for reading I hope you enjoyed them. Please be kind and let me know what you think.


Spider-gnomes. Half gnome, half spider. Skittering up from the deep places of Azeroth.

You know you want them.


hmmm, similar to the Drider of Dungeons and Dragons? Sure! but which side would they fit in?

This makes me think of a Forsaken Diner.

“From claw-picked rankmeat sandwiches and crispy-fried corpseflies to our Secret Recipe Boo-Berry Ice Scream, Banshee’s offers something to make all the ghouls in your graveyard groan with glee. Order now on DoomDash - graveside pickup available.”


Yes. That’s all I have to say, Yes.

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  1. Ogres.

I want to play an elephant and rabbit on Alliance, duck and Vrykul on Horde.


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  • Skeletons

We already have the forsaken, It’s good enough!

Too much skin. SKELETONS.


Nah, Nah. DUCKS! …Giant ducks, hear me out on this.

Great list! I want so many of these ;-; lol. Something I’ve always wanted that doesn’t make much sense is Val’kyr as a playable race. Seriously, they’re so cooler than any of my toons can be. I get that it doesn’t make like, any sense, but I can dream!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Val’kyr have to be the most BADASS race ever. I love their lore and everything!

Something else I would totally love are the spirit healers, The kyrian I think?

“Spirit Healers are angelic beings usually encountered at a graveyard after death. These floating figures of death and rebirth return people to life where their spirit stands. The spirit Healers are Watchers, kyrian whose role is to eternally evaluate souls within the Veil.” …They’re not as badass as the val’kyr though.

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Omg yess!! Me too, their lore is amazing. If they were ever playable, I’d race change SO many of my chars instantly. Plus, they’re more in the realm of possibilities now because once DF releases, we’re finally gonna have a race that has wings for the first time!

And yeah, the Kyrian are super pretty, but… I definitely like the Val’kyr more lol. The Val’kyr are cooler tbh. Honestly though, I just want to be an angel of some sort!!! D:

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Yeah, The model Is decent, Not GODLY Good, but decent.

The Val’kyr are Indeed cooler, Anything with wings I’m down for honestly.

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shame on you. not mentioning sethrak, mogu, hozen, or mantid… shame on you OP.

wait, did’nt we just get them as an appearance option?

I think it’s pretty okay, god knows how armor is going to look on it, but tbh I think the thing that I dislike about it is its stance. Idk, the standing pose is weird and I can’t place my finger on it, but I’ll def play it once it comes out.

Yeah same! If a race has wings I automatically like it. When I first saw the Val’kyr, I fell in love lol. My favorite Val’kyr are definitely the Scourge/Forsaken Val’kyr… because I’m edgy!! The golden ones are cool too, though :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel that Horde should of gotten Iron Dwarves a humanoid race. Vykrul on Horde is even better. :grinning:


dark rangers and undead night elves are different. but that’s too long a name maybe dark elves for short?

not from blizzard’s point of view! then again, from blizzard’s point of view, kul’tirans are a ‘close enough’ for vrykul. same thing with the elves (and i’m not even gonna argue about it… sick of the high-elf debates…)