I was going to make this a separate post because Ogres aren’t an allied race, but Ogres for the horde and maybe the Jinyu for Alliance. but I would classify these as new races not allied ones.
You’re using apostrophes VERY incorrectly, my friend.
You want the alliance to get shafted again with an ugly fish race while horde gets awesome ogres?
perhaps mountain giants would be more acceptable?
Give Horde Mok’nathal at the very least, then we will have another race with some nice big buff ladies to go along with the big buff Orc and Tauren ladies.
Ogre. Next playable Horde race has to be Ogres for the love of Azeroth. So many years and still no core Horde race.
And I saw your response to making them a core race, which they should be, but I thought Blizz wasn’t going that route anymore and that is why we got AR’s. AR’s don’t get a starting area and they are mainly reskins most of the time. It’s far cheaper to do it that way which is the Blizz way.
I’d rather we get core races and then they gave us an AR for that core race when the next playable race was released. Then do another core race and then the next AR release they gave us an AR for that core race. Rinse and repeat. Stop giving us reskins. Reskins are for customizations and not an AR IMO.
For me I want Mok’nathal most of all, but I doubt they’d give us them. My best shot is for them to give us playable Ogres, which I’ve wanted since we got our first new race the BE’s which should’ve come AFTER Ogres and Goblins, and then get a Mok’nathal AR of Ogres.
To each their own.
Mok’nathal might be closer than you think, iirc, Rexxar is using a very similar rig to the male Kul’tirans. So give that rig a second life.
I agree. When I heard they use same rig I was like “Hell yeah, I might get Mok’nathal.” I’ve loved Mok’nathal since I saw Batman Rexxar in TBC but I LOVE his new model and want them so much more. Sad we don’t have Mok’nathal or Ogres still.
Same here, thought for sure we would get them after the new Rexxar model using the male Kul’tiran rig. Would love to see a mock up of the female Mok’nathal using the female Kul’tiran rig as well.
And Blizz put the effort into those rigs and KT aren’t as popular as some thought they would be, give that rig a second life.
I think I am one of the rare players that wanted to play Kul’Tirans and agree we should give that rig a new, more appreciated home.
My own personal wishlist is the following:
Seeing these races playable for their respective factions would really make my day.
making a core race and then releasing an allied race for it seems like a good pattern. Thanks for your input.
I want nathrezim for the horde. It would be a good warlock race with strong cosmic ties that isn’t too sci-fi for the horde.
Some of us want core races and others want AR’s so why not just rotate them. It is the best of both worlds. It’s just an idea but seems like it would work.
No prob. That’s what you were asking for and so you got it, lol.
As much as I would see many of these options as Allied races, I would personally not waste race slots for most of these ideas.
- Man’ari would be good for a customization option more then an actual race. After all the only reason joined the Legion (their leader’s own words) that they thought that the Legion would never be defeated ever.
2). This one I can mark off the list right now since we now have that as a customization skin with the dark fallen pale skin and red eyes look. No need to make a race.
- This might be the only way that Undead Paladins would become playable. It could also work as a customization options as well giving Forsaken players a more Human look.
4-6) These 3 race ideas I would say no at all. Personally I feel like that this is more wishful thinking to try and make them playable then anything else.
If San’layn become playable is the day High Elves become playable. The closest thing we now have is again what were given to the Night Elves, the Dark Fallen skin tones. We only saw a few in BFA and those were all killed in the Alliance Campaign. We know they didn’t follow the Horde more so then follow the Jailer and Sylvanas’ plans.
Don’t know who or what Frost Elves are or did you mean Frost Trolls? Sorry this should be a customization skin tone.
The Vrykul would be a counter to Ogres. Just like the San’layn, we would only get Vrykul when we get Ogres and they wouldn’t be an Allied race, they would be a stand alone race.
I think only Garrona is the only one to be confirmed to be that. So your saying 1 person can make an entire Allied race compared to say the whole High Elf population? Nope not going to happen.
This one is tricky for a couple of reasons. One Grim Totem I think are a skin option already plus one group of the Grim Totem have worked with the Alliance in Cata. Blizzard has forgotten this plot line and I don’t think a lot of Horde players would like another Horde skin going to Alliance. (See the uproar with Void Elves and their customizations)
Sorry but Dreanei and Man’ari are both Eredar, just different branches. There are issues with the lore concerning the Eredar name but I won’t go into details. What we see in Outlands are actually the Broken and they would make better racial skins then another race.
I think when it comes to the idea of Allied races they need to look at the Vulpera by adding races that are new and not just reskins if they ever go back to that way of adding races. They should focus on customization options like what you listed then actual race slots.
Thank you for your detailekd in put. Respectfully I disagree with pretty much everything kyou said. And you were just incorrect on some points.
Man’ari and Draenei are decended from the same race, but are different now, the fel turned the manari red and perhaps the blessing of the naaru turned them blue. My reference was to warcraft 3 game in outlands not the broken or the other corrupted dreanei there were purple skinned characters that were just called eredar.
It seems to be s omething that is happening anyway, but I don’t like the lightforged undead, you want a more human look? play human.
Dryads have been part of night elven society for millenia. Abominations and banshee’s already live in the horde and are part of the forsaken. just make them playable.
Frost elves are around in many games and stories just not in wow.
Vyrkul would definatly be an allied race to humans. lol.
Garona is not he only 1. In the Dreanor expansion, you can quest through a storyline that has a half-dreanei in it. During that quest he explains how the orcs basically commited genocide against his people, which means at least at one point there was a clan of half breed dreanei i’m pretty sure.
Eredar is the ancestral race of the manari and dreanei, after the split they both changed.
lol vulpera and the mechagomes are the only allied race I didn’t unlock. There doesn’t have to be a limit to race slots so why not make more? customization options are a cheap response to do something quickly versus putting in work and making it better.
No to #3 and #10. The rest are ok.
I would rather see Ogre’s as a playable race than the two i said no to.
Spider Gnome, Spider Gnome
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size
Catches Horde just like flies
Look out
Here comes the Spider Gnome
I don’t why people think Eredar are different then Man’ari and Dreanei races, they aren’t. The term Dreanei is Eredar meaning Exiled ones. In the early questing for that race the Night Elves even call them Eredar. Regardless of this, the Dreanei are the Eredar so are the Man’ari. There are no pure Eredar who didn’t take sides. So we are playing Eredar in the actual game.
The reason people do so much confusion is that the Lore surrounding the Dreanei kept getting rewritten through out the RTS games from WC2 and WC3 and then again in TBC. Yes in WC3, they called them Dreanei the ones you met but that muddled the whole lore which they were renamed Broken in TBC.
My point stands with the Half Dreanei-Half Orc race. There is so few of them, I think blizzard even didn’t expand them much between the one NPC in TBC and her.(Also the Genocide he speaks of was towards the Dreanei which he identified more towards then the Orcs. Never assume there was a whole tribe.) Replace it with Mok Nathol, the Half Orc-Ogres that Rexar is and you will have an Allied race.
Just because Frost Elves are in other games doesn’t mean you should pull a rabbit out of the hat. We do have Frost Trolls.
There are way more established races that would make much better Allied races.
I did say Vrykul could be added but only if Ogres were added. Two giant races would be a trade off right there. Ogres are the only race from the RTS days who were Horde still not playable. Vrykul are a counter to them adding that race as a pair.
Replace Dryads with the Furbogs who are really close to the Night Elves, they even have a place which can act as a Allied race Hub. Also they have a connection with the Dreanei when doing that races story line. They can be used as the Pandera’s race and rig.
Also customizations isn’t cheap like you said. If you read the forms, alot of people want customizations and a few races which seems weren’t are on your wish list.
How would an Abomination or a Banshee play? They aren’t aligned with the Forsaken, they are aligned with the scourge.
Just because you might not like what is happening doesn’t mean everyone thinks the same. If you don’t like a concept of Light Forge Undead, then don’t play it or unlock them if they were an allied race. No one is forcing you to play them. Reason I mentioned Vulpera was that’s how an Allied race should be, something fresh and new not a race that could be a reskin or customization option for the other core races we have. This is why Blizzard dropped the Allied race feature concept after many of the races should have been customization options which we started to get in Shadowlands.
I don’t know about any of the others on that list, but I would definitely play a Abomination.
I’m personally tired of the Allied Race concept, I’d prefer that going forward all subraces stuck to being customization options. Making them separate races not only means that if you play as the base race and want to change to the newly available subrace, you have to pay for a race change, but it also means that more development time is spent on implementing the “fake new race” instead of making “real new races”.
I’d prefer we started getting more unique races instead, like with the upcoming Dracthyr. My personal wishes are:
- Ethereal
- Arakkoa
- Saberon