New alliance race hampsters

we should add hampster race to WOW


how about a goldfish instead or a bunny

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Still waiting on a bunny mount.

what about 1/2 bunny 1/2 goldfish 0 they nt can swim and battle on lanb

Okay, but we nee to add a bit of vulpera into there too.

what if you as a troll makes sweet love to a valup0a nad makes a special race

Are hampsters trendy people from Hampshire?

Morloc with golden scales could work.

No thanks. Hampsters taste terrible. I don’t care how you prepare those nasty things, they taste awful. Worse than Vulpera. Nope. No way.

Rhino or Giraffe race.

We get the bunny mount next year

Hamsters are a Horde race. A group of hamsters are literally called a horde.

would you want a hamster or a powerade

How are they going to run the servers if they give us hamsters? :thinking:

would you create a hampster paladin