New alliance race -centaur

The only thing i can think of is how cancerous it is to fight Lunara in heroes of the storm.

Lets expand on this.

Maybe we have the reverse centaur.

Or what about the man-taur?

Or the ultimate Alliance mount.

Part horse, part
another horse?


the ideal solution to me would be for Blizzard to come up from a race descending from the dryads/keepers (come on, make Cenarios a gramps already!) to join the Alliance, and Centaurs as their horde counterpart. I’d love to play both so much.

Delete these abominations please.


Just wait until Children’s Week!


Not a fan of Dryads, their voices and what they say annoy the hell out of me lol. They have the annoying cuteness to go Alliance though.

Yeah, but the Tauren are very accepting people.

They even had Grimtotem in their fold.

The centaurs in desolace were very open to making new allies.

And there was that southern barrens warfront that could have set this up. The Alliance was at Mulgore’s front door.

Perfect time to call up the ones in desolace to deal with em.

Oh my
 now i need to start rooting for High Gnome fae.

i am not annoying.
/steps on your toe

thank you my friend. sprite darter hatchling style wings please. :sparkling_heart: dryad as racial mount and leveling partner.

*In a Clint Eastwood voice:

Watch it gnome, I can’t punt far. I didn’t get the title Gnomebane for nothing. Maybe you can “make my day”, do you feel lucky punk?

By the gods i laughed and i shouldn’t of. What have you done D:

should say do you feel lucky pink. well do you? or something like that. and omygosh, my bad luck has been likened to the odds of winning a lottery, like astronomically bad.

This isn’t true.

Take elves out of the equation and the Alliance are still socially organized civilized peoples and the Horde are still clannish tribal war-focused people.

The Alliance and the Horde have stuck true to their theme for 15 years. Blood Elves fit the Horde in the same way Venthyr do. They don’t look the part but their essence rings.

The Venthyr have no reason to join the Alliance at all. Honestly a tribe of Orcs from Draenor, like some of the Shadowmoon who hang out in the Alliance Garrison, make more sense than Venthyr on the Alliance.

The Night Fae
 Get that? NIGHT Fae. NIGHT Elves. Night Fae Blue
 Like Alliance already right?

I’ve seen a Hordie and Ally request one of each of the 4 covenant races. Even Necrolords on the Alliance. It doesn’t mean much.

The Alliance getting a Horde lore-fitting race of Spikey Bois, Venthyr? LMAO. IT’s THE ALLIANCE. Blizzard has maintained faction balance pretty well over the years, but could help the Hardcore community out on the Alliance :wink:

They’re not going to throw the Venthyr Spikey Bois on the Alliance to “switch things up”.

It was pretty obvious from the start that Vulpera would be rolling Horde. Its’ pretty clear Venthyr won’t be on the Alliance.

faldorei for nightborne customization. that’s a night too. but shudder, spiders.

Yes but Allied Races aren’t dominant in the culture of either faction. So they’re not basing a decision on them at least.

The Night Fae and Kirian make Alliance theme sense to roll that way.

The Venthyr and Necrolord SCREAM for miles “For the Horde”. The Venthyr and Necrolords would not walk around in Stormwind with open arms. There’s no reason for that to occur.

The Venthyr have the San’layn and Forsaken with open arms on the Horde waiting right now, with people who understand them more.

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While there are some simliarities, I see the Forsaken having a ton of issues with the Necrolords. And the opposite.

see you all want to centaurs as a new alliance race

unique ability could be the centaur player can carry another friendly player on their back.

I wouldn’t say blood elfs fit the horde theme perfectly, I also wouldnt say alliance have been asking for every race. I’d say it’s about the same horde want x alliance want y.

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Alas I cant unsee those photos. They are forever burned in my head. Now I want to go ravage a centaur village ! :sob::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::rage: