New Alleria & Xal'atath Wallpapers

Personally, I really really – REAAALLY hope, that it’s not Alleria to take down Xal’atath.

  • Having a hunter take out the priest’s artifact weapon just feels … I don’t know, kind of insulting? :joy: lol

Having Anduin play a major role I probably wouldn’t mind, but he’s had quite a lot of screen time … Personally I’d love for Velen to make a reprisal return and be the one to do it, however I know peeps will have a sook “He got to shine in Legion!” :roll_eyes:

So honestly I think the best person to take down Xal’atath would be:

Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan

  • Give the Dwarves some more shine :star2:
  • Whilst giving the priests a token nod too. :dracthyr_nod:

Perhaps with a Horde character who gets some beef with Xal’atath, to throw in some faction-equality (I’m guessing if she void-nukes the Sunwell, there’s gonna be a Blood Elf somewhere who wants to choke her – and not in the erotic way).

:face_exhaling: But yeah
I’d be welcomingly happy with Alleria gaining intel & helping the other prime character overcome void obstacles though.

It doesn’t interest me at all.

I never went all googoo over Xalatath. Everyone else in Legion was like “AMG! Knaifu!” , before she even got her Elf body in BfA. And Alleria is competing with Vareesa for most boring Windrunner - even Lirath is more interesting. At least he could play music.

That made me burst out laughing. I didn’t think “dude” when I first saw the picture. But it is not the best portrayal of Xalatath, to be sure.

It’s worse than that.

There’s no callback to anything we knew of Alleria’s appearance, she looks like a generic blond elf.

If Blizzard never expressly said “this is Alleria” I wouldn’t recognize that character as being Alleria


I would say that her new hairstyle makes her more unique among WoW elves than “blonde elf, wearing a hood, with a little paint on her face”

An blonde elf wearing a hood you say? Well, there is only one hooded elf in all of Azeroth, so we know who that is. /s.

Yeah, I’m not a fan of the composition much in the same way you’re describing. I think if they didn’t want to the blend the faces more for thematic reasons they could’ve had them in profile, back to back, and still had a really cool composition.

I’m not talking about unique though. What I mean is that this new model of Alleria has pretty much nothing that would tell me it’s Alleria without someone else telling me it’s Alleria.

Shame tho cuz the art itself is very pretty. I ain’t knocking that. My brain just instantly went to Mr Frog though

It looks like every other warcraft art picture.

And the uglification of WoW waifus continues…

World of Warcraft: Catfight Edition

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