Logged in to my bank alt to collect gold from sold items, and collect expired auctions. and noticed nothing in my inbox from expired auctions. So, they must’ve sold, right? Nah. It says there is 49,709 days 18 hours left on my auctions.
Has anyone seen the issue resolved a UI reset? I know that was a recommendation this morning when the issue was first being reported here. However, with a bunch of reports now, and no indication that a UI reset is working, it’s been reported to our QA team for testing.
My apologies was going by the thread.
No worries, I was just asking because I hadn’t seen very many responses to the troubleshooting from this morning.
I posted this in another thread, but full UI reset did nothing. I removed all my addons just to be sure and did it again, and it not only didn’t fix it, but the issue happened with additional expiring AH items, so… Such is life. Hope QA can get a handle on it.
Just wanted to add that I am having the same issue. UI reset did nothing. I did post one new auction to see if that listed for 49710 days, and its up for the correct 24h.