New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

massive blizzard W. easy purchase. it looks great!

Guess AHs being everywhere is no longer a problem (excuse given for removing the bruto). Guess money makes it all better.

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Y’know the 20th anniversary celebration goes until January, it would’ve been less disastrous optics to delay the money grab for a week or two until at least one bugfix patch has gone out

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Mine still has that fresh ‘tears from the poors’ smell in the upholstery.

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Maybe all this new money will go into fixing the AH issues?

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Really weird reasoning. And who pays 60 dollars for lunch? What planet is this?

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The thing always goes for 10 million whenever it’s up on the Black market Auction House, nowadays.

People not realizing you can buy the mount through tokens the old brutosaur is gold cap while this one is only a little over 1 mil. Its a good deal

The Mailbox Toy and the Nightborne Racial are now useless.

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Gotta make that 68 billion back somehow

It’s kind of to be expected from someone who’s tempted to throw away $90 just to get hate whispers, lol.

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Instant purchase, hyped! While the forums may be throwing a fit, the city is filling up with these very quickly. Quality addition.

Does it even fly?

Can I not pick flowers and ruin the economy while in flight with this thing?

Seems kinda boring.

I get that, but you also have to realize this isn’t available outside of the BMAH any more, at all. When it does show up, it goes for way more than 5mil.

Time-based exclusivity is the dumbest crap in any video game ever, and should never be tolerated. Sunsetting the way to get this mount via gold only to offer it for $132CAD/$90USD isn’t because they want to bring it back, it’s because they are a scummy company.

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oh my…just got it…LOVE it.
So much better looking than the other…

Probably cheaper than buying tokens for the original.


Unless you are regularly sitting on millions of gold in game, or you already have some bnet balance saved up, you only have until Jan. 6 to make enough gold for 6 tokens to cover the $90 price tag.


At this point the cash shop won so hard I can’t really even judge. The last wall has fallen the streets are filled with madness why not sing as rome burns?

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I don’t know whether to laugh at the players who purchase this mount or feel pity for them for having been played. Hard.

So they bring back the re-colored mount that is supposed to be no longer available. It is time for them to bring back everything but re-colored: elite pvp gear, enchant illusion, etc…

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