New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

predatory is such an overused word

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To be honest I bought the mount and this is partly why. I’m 54 with a really good job. I get folks in this world are struggling but I am not and $90 is absolute nothing to me. Easy purchase for a game I spend 15-20 hours a week playing.


i mean thats…fair enough.

Not just GenZ. Every generation. Capitalism has always had an expiration date


That is actually a very profound and accurate statement. Unfortunately, it will fall on many deaf ears or fail to pierce the delusion so many live in.


sad life you people live

If you are poor, just say so. This is a lot of unneeded hostility.

Still, it can paint a somewhat accurate picture of what the player base if feeling at times. Not always, but sometimes. Is this one of those times? No idea. Guess we’ll find out when Blizzard chooses to respond or hunker down until it blows over.

My birthday is on the 6th and I said the exact same thing! :joy:

Oh no, I bought the mount before reading the TLDR in this post, now I’m doomed!



If you see something advertised and you look at the price and say: “That’s too expensive, I’m not paying that much.” then the item wasn’t made for you.

And that’s okay, you don’t have to buy everything.

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Actually I don’t. having a blast with life now that I don’t have worry about anything it’s all coming to an end

And abused. Ever since the lootboxes, the little armchair moralists will say anything is predatory at this point.

What they should do is put it on the Trading Post when they take it off the store. Make it cost 3 months worth of Tender, but make it a special promotion where the mount stays for 3 months. Then during those 3 months, release a bunch of unique cosmetics on the Trading Post to dangle the choice of the mount or the unique items in players faces, and then put all the cosmetics on the store when they’re off the Trading Post.

That’d be predatory.

I’ll never understand this mentality of “every player except me is a teenager without a job.”

So capitalism has been so good to you that not only do you have such extreme time surplus to spend on video games but that your life is great outside of it?

Anyday now capitalism will end lmao

If you seen all the post already up, why did you continue to make this thread? Seems a bit predatorial. - If we’re just throwing it around.

Capitalism does have an expiration date just because of how it concentrates wealth. Nevermind platform decay.

You can say it’s wrong if you want, but the basic idea that law enforcement must protect property, if only a handful of people have any property, will just expire. It has to.

You ever use Jenga pieces to build the biggest tower you can, all standing on one? It’s like that. The better balance you have, the bigger it can go, but eventually physics.

My life is great despite of capitalism. I am rolling with it and surviving till my time is up.

Nice wallet flex, homey. 54 and able to buy a $90 wow mount. I am sure your parents, if they are still alive will be proud. I am sure mine probably would not if they were still alive, be proud of the mount, but proud I am happy, I guess.

But having the money isn’t the issue. Looking in my wallet, without busting out plastic or tapping the bank, I could buy over a dozen of them. I consider myself fortunate and am thankful, that I can buy most major appliances with pocket change on any given day.

But see, that isn’t the point. People want to act like, and as I said, I am sure, whether they admit it or not, for many this is indeed a wallet flex, a have vs have nots. Everyone has their reasons and some are not so practical or noble. Let’s just be real… But that is also not the point. The point is $90 is too much. If you want to be real, 1/2 of that is too much.

It is about Blizz putting it out for that in the first place.

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